
Showing posts from March 26, 2023

Still fooling myself

 Had an appointment with the doc yesterday to discuss my lab results. Went to the doc a few weeks ago and some of my blood work was high. Cholesterol was up. Blood pressure was up. Fasting glucose was up. All of these could be indicators that I am developing insulin resistance. That scares the hell out of me. That will ultimately lead to diabetes and drugs and god knows what. I don't want that. I don't want that at all. So it's time to stop fooling myself and it's time to take action. I don't workout and say it's okay. I walk a little and say it's okay. I eat a huge desert and say it's okay. None of that is okay anymore. None of it. I refuse to be someone who lives in denial and then ends up in a hospital bed somewhere. I'm smarter than that. So this is sort of my final line in the sand. I'm done fooling myself and making excuses for myself. There was a time where I worked out in the mornings and in the evenings. It is all documented in this blog

What a week

 Last Sunday I got sick. I just felt like crap all day. So I laid around trying to kick it before going back to school on Monday. I didn't. Monday I felt like crap but went to school and struggled through. Tuesday I was feeling better but still not 100%. Then finally on Wednesday I felt myself again. That was not a great way to return from break, but I got through the week and that's all that matters.  So all my grand intentions for last week did not come to fruition. I barely got through the days Monday and Tuesday and by Wednesday I was playing catch up. So yeah, that all didn't happen. But today is a new day and this week will be a new week.  In other news, yesterday was my 2nd craft fair and what a bust. It cost me $40 to get into it and I made $39 in sales. Pttttttt. It was a long, boring day and not really worth it at all. After the fair, we met some friends on Spokes on Southern for dinner. After which I had a brownie with ice cream and was so, so stuffed. Ugh!!!! To