
Showing posts from January 29, 2023

Maybe not the why, but the how

 Last post I was struggling to find the why. Why am I working out? Why do I want to be healthy? Why do I need to take care of myself? Yes, those seem like obvious questions until you have to tag an activity to them. Then you find that the obvious just doesn't cut it. You need the truth for you. Anyway, I came up with a why - sort of. My why is to have a healthy mind & body. Working out and eating right keeps your mind sharp well into old age. And I did kind of determine that my mind and my mental capacities were the most important to me. So I just put my foot down and said, okay, this is it. I'm going to figure this out if it freaking kills me. Spoiler alert - it didn't. So I got up Monday morning and got ready for work. I was ready almost 30 minutes before I had to leave. Hmmmm....  I came home Monday, walked Mavy, worked out, and ate dinner all in rapid succession. Hmmmm..... I got up Tuesday and got ready for work and I was again almost 30 minutes early. I like getti

Finding my Why

 I believe that this is my biggest hurdle to mastering self-care. I don't have a huge, overriding why. I don't. I have a number of things I'm running from. But running from something has never really worked for me. I need to be working towards something. It was easy when I was racing. Easy. I had a race in X days so I needed to run X miles to be ready. Or swim X times. Or bike X times. It was easy then. I never realized how easy it was to have races as goals. If you have kids it's sort of easy too. You want to not only be around for them but to be able to do things with them. That means taking care of yourself. But what are the goals when you are looking retirement in the eye and racing or kids are not on your plate? What is the why then?  I say things like I want to travel. Well, that requires decent health but not optimal health. I can travel just the way I am just fine.  I say I want to do things like hike the Grand Canyon. But do I really believe that? Am I going to