
Showing posts from January 8, 2023

Too many choices

 That is the problem I am having with my laser journey. There are too many choices. Too many options. And I find myself getting pulled in all kinds of different directions. For example, I am doing a test burn on a piece of wood that I purchased through an online supplier. I only bought 1 piece of wood. And I am using it for a test burn. Really??? Does that make sense? I guess it does if I plan to buy more. But at this point I don't really. It's expensive. And maybe I will buy more if this thing takes off. Another problem with this is that I bought 3 pieces of wood from this place and I don't know which is which. So, yeah, there's that too.  That is the problem I am having with my laser journey. There are too many choices. Too many options. And I find myself getting pulled in all kinds of different directions. For example, I am doing a test burn on a piece of wood that I purchased through an online supplier. I only bought 1 piece of wood. And I am using it for a test bur

Last day of winter break

 Tomorrow it is back to school again. I'm torn about that. On the one hand I'm like, okay, time to get back to it - cool. On the other hand I'm like, NO!! I don't want to go. The end of last semester was pretty darn crappy and because of that, I'm not really looking forward to this semester. But I have made changes. So we will see how that goes. Got some things to do today, but nothing major. Going to play on my laser most of the day.  Last night Hubby had a drink. Actually he had 2 drinks. And yes, I was watching and counting. I'm going to have a conversation this morning with him about that. I'm going to tell him that I'm not going back to living the way we had been. If he chooses to drink a lot, I'm going to choose to leave. I'm fairly confident that I did not make that abundantly clear to him last time, so I need to be sure that he understands it completely. I'm not looking forward to the conversation but I need to have it because I'm