Word for 2024

 Here we are days from 2024 and I have not come up with a word for the year. I like having a word for the year as it kind of encapsules what I hope to accomplish in the year. Last year my word was flexible. I engraved it with the definition on a plaque and it was in my work are all year. I saw it frequently and it made me stay flexible every time I looked at it. 

Some words:  

DO - perform, achieve, complete

UNLIMITED - not limited or restricted in terms of number, quantity, or extent.

INTENTIONAL - done on purpose, deliberate

Okay, I found a word of the year generator and just went through it, only because coming up with a word out of the blue can be difficult. These are just a couple, there were many more but I did not like them for a variety of reasons. But the one that really hits me, and did as soon as I saw it, is DO. That's a great word for me. Because, as I said in the last post, when I feel inadequate I freeze. I don't DO. I stop DOING. And the only thing that really gets me past that obstacle is to just DO. DO something. DO anything. I think my word for this year is going to be DO. 

I was working on a vision board for 2024. I did one last year and it really did help. I would look at it and it would remind me of things I wanted to do, goals I had, or just to keep pushing. So I made a new one for 2024. Here is it: 

I like it. I like the word I chose: DO. That's my hardest thing sometimes, doing. Well not this year. This year I will DO. I am going to engrave it on something and put it some place prominent in my room here. I want to see it all the time. 

Okay, I've done enough for this morning. Going to wake Hubby as we have errands and things to do today. We will actually be leaving the house for an extended period of time. Wow!! Haven't done that in a week. 


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