17 September 2023

Well, that didn't go as planned

 I did set my intentions for last week and I even set up my planner with those intentions, but then I didn't exactly follow through. I didn't record my food at all. I can't help but wonder why that is so hard to get going? It's not a difficult task. It doesn't take but a minute or two. So why can't I seem to do that? Probably because it's just not that critical to me. I need to make it more important. I'll work on that. 

Workouts were good though not as many as I wanted. I went on Monday. I didn't go on Tuesday because of Science Bowl and they were having a great time. I went on Wednesday. I didn't go on Thursday because it was Constitution night and I didn't get home until after 9pm. I didn't go on Friday because I had to get up early for senior sunrise (hiking at 5:30am) and frankly was just exhausted from Thursday night. Then I didn't go yesterday because we had to go check out the kennels where we will be leaving Mavy next weekend. So yeah, not as much as I had planned. 

I did find a marketing course for makers that I bought into. I really think that the key to my not selling much is the marketing. I don't know how to do it and so I need someone to explain it all to me. This lady has a good system and really nothing I haven't heard before, but she lays it out in easy to follow steps. She also covers things like branding and email lists and all that stuff I haven't even considered. It's going to be some work to get things going, but I'm excited to finally have a road map of how to do it. They also have a Facebook group so we can ask questions and get more help if we need. I'm excited about this and really going to dive into it and make it work. I want this little business to be successful and I will do whatever it takes to make that happen. 

School was really good this week. I spent some time last weekend really working on school work. I decided that what I was doing wasn't working and I needed to change things around. So I did. And wow was this week great. I was much better mentally and things went really, really well. Going to keep up the changes. 

Okay, off to get the day started. 

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