Day 2 of the great road trip of 2023

 We are currently in a hotel room in Scipio, UT resting for the night. Last night we stayed in Page, AZ and tomorrow night we will be in Island Park, ID. It's been an interesting trip so far. Let's recap. 

We left home around 9:30 am on Friday morning. We stopped for lunch in Flagstaff. We bought some Sonoran hot dogs and found a nice little park to eat in. Then continued on to Page and stopped for the night. We got there around 3:30ish - I'm not 100% sure because it was on the Navajo nation and they do daylight savings time so my watch said one thing and their clock said another thing - it was crazy. Our room was on the second floor and getting Mavy up there was a challenge. The stairs were the kind with holes in between the steps and he was afraid of them - don't blame him. Then discovered he was not a fan of the elevator either. So that was fun. Also, he did his normal not peeing for 14 hours. So that meant I took him up and down the elevator about 5 times during the evening to try and get him to pee. He finally did around 8pm and we came in and went to bed. We got up this morning and headed out around 7am-ish. 

From Page we went to Kanab, UT - home of Best Friends Animal Society. We got there too early for lunch, nothing opened until 11:30, so we took a side trip up to  Best Friends

I have wanted to go to Best Friends for years and years and it was so cool and exciting to finally get there. 

I almost forgot, on the way to Kanab we stopped at this historical marker that marked an old settlement. There was a sign, that was hard to read due to age and wear, that seemed to indicate the town was down this dirt road. We decided to go down the road. It was dirty and dusty and not the greatest road. The worst part was that when we got there, there was no town only a place where the town used to be. There was a very old cemetery but that was it. Definitely not worth the trip. 

After lunch in Kanab - we got some Mexican food at a shop in a grocery store - we headed to Scipio, UT. We were planning on stopping in Bryce Canyon but we didn't. Today seemed like a very long day on the road and we were getting tired. Tomorrow we are heading to Island Park, ID and that will be almost a 6 hour day. Yikes. So no side trips on this one, just driving straight through and stopping for short breaks as we need them. 

So I already have a ton of photos from the trip. I will have to sort them out and figure out exactly what I'm going to do with them. But tonight, I rest. 


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