I've fallen into boredom

 I know myself well enough by this point to know how things are going to go. I have been somewhat laid up by cataract surgery for the month of June and this is starting to wear on me. I can't workout. My knee is bothering me so I can't walk as much as I'd like. It's heating up so that means no afternoon activities outside of the pool. And all of these have led me to a slump that is leading to depression. Seriously. I can feel it hanging around trying to get a toe-hold and I can't let it. I have been laying around since Tuesday when I had my last surgery. My left eye has a bit of a line down the side and it is majorly annoying. It twinkles and sparkles if I'm in bright sun. I just feel worn down. I've been eating a lot of bread and am feeling particularly pudgy. Yup, it's all starting to add up to not good. I've been avoiding really looking at the budget because I've spent a ton of money on this eye surgery. Ugh. I don't like this. I don't like feeling like this. I don't like acting like this. I do not like this. But my hands are somewhat tied until next Tuesday. I have to take it rather easy because of the eye. Then we are leaving on vacation - I'm not even happy about that anymore. I mean I want to go, I'm just not excited about it like I was before all this happened. 

Okay, I've done enough whining and moaning. I'm going to look at the budget and see what is up. Figure out how I can cover the eye surgery. And I'm going to stop feeling so down and yucky. 


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