
Showing posts from December 11, 2022

Much better

 So yesterday was much, much better than the rest of the week. After writing my post, I showered, walked Mavy and headed off for the gym. I pushed myself a little at the gym, which was awesome. I did a warm-up set. Then did my first set at the weight I did last time (thankfully I keep a book). If that was too easy, I went up the next set. If that was sufficiently hard, I stayed there. It was great. On every movement, by the few reps of the last set I was struggling. And that is a good thing. I woke up this morning pleasantly sore. Tomorrow will be leg day and that I'm going to do here at home. Last week I did squats and lunges and was dying for days. So that's what I'm going to do tomorrow. The only thing is that I can't use the bike to warm up here. Maybe I will scoot off to the gym for an hour. It won't be the end of the world. In fact, it would probably be a good thing.  Don't have much more to say. Got a lot of things done yesterday. Went shopping for my Chr

I'm down and not sure how to get back up

 There has been some changes to my routine. I still get up and go to work, but as we are nearing the end of the semester instead of teaching we are prepping for final exams. That means that I actually don't do much during classes. I gave them a study guide and they worked on that, only asking me questions when they ran into trouble. They had a Blooket game to play, which I don't need to be involved in. So that leaves me a lot of down time during class. Now the same thing is going to happen next week as they take the exams. I will be watching them - fun stuff - and there will not be much for me to do. As a result of all this down time, I have spent an unusually high amount of time on my computer. I have been cruising my FB groups for lasers. Reading things. Saving things. And generally getting ideas on what I want to do. But that is a lot of computer time. I consider myself to be on the computer a lot, but it's been a crazy amount this week. As a result I feel very down. Ver

That was a short line

 My 'line in the sand' lasted exactly 2 days. Then it fell apart and I haven't been able to get it back together since. So it's time for a new strategy. My plan was to exercise after work, before dinner every night except Wednesdays which are my late nights. So Wednesday was going to be my designated rest day. I was only planning on doing 15ish minute workouts just to get fired up about working out and get back into the habit. So, rerouting...........   What's been getting in my way is my laser engraver. I come home from school and jump into that thing and it's over for the evening. So clearly I need some boundaries and some balance.  If I jump into the laser as soon as I get home, little else gets done. Also, I run the risk of staying up too late and then not getting enough sleep. So a slight plan adjustment is necessary.  I will not craft on workdays I will not craft on workdays I will not craft on workdays I don't have a lot of time during the workday. I

Workouts, crafts, and my thoughts

 So after my 'put my foot' down post the other day, I started, or actually restarted, my Project Me page. I like having a place to keep all my workouts and such in one place. I like to look things over and review and see how things have changed or if I'm not pushing myself hard enough. So I worked out on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday is my designated rest day. Thursday I jumped into crafting and didn't even think about working out. Friday I took Mavy hiking. Yesterday we were up and out really early for a Saturday and when we came home I jumped back into my crafting. So far it's 3 out of 6 days and every day I took Mavy for a walk in the neighborhood. So not spectacular, but a good start. One thing I am not doing is beating myself up for any of my choices. And everything is a choice. So these are all choices I made and I'm not going to get crazy over them. I'm just not. What's done is done, let's move on.  As for my crafting. I finally got everything