
Showing posts from December 4, 2022

Time to put my foot down and suck it up

 I have been struggling with working out a lot recently. Much more than I have in a while. So it's time to suck it up and just do it. I'm drawing a line in the sand right here and now.  There it is. That is the line. I will do some kind of workout every single evening. Every. Single. Evening. I get home in plenty of time to get a short workout in. I get home in time to spend 30 - 60 minutes on the couch coloring. If I have time for that, I have time to workout. So did it.  Today's workout:  2 rounds:  30 Russian Twists 15 Alternating Lunges 15 Jump squats 30 Bicycle Crunches.  Took about 15 minutes. Done and done. I can already feel some muscles that are going to be sore. Probably before I go to bed tonight. Oh, poor baby. 

New Crafts

 I'm so excited about my new crafts. Really, really excited. I find them absolutely gorgeous.  Here is the coaster that it took me all day to make:  I bought some cheap, slate coasters to play with and of course defaulted to turtles when trying to find a design. This is actually my second one. The first one was just an outline of this turtle. I wanted to see how it would do the first one. It took it less than a minute to complete the outline. So then I decided to do a fill which took it about 15 minutes. I love it. It's sitting on my desk right next to me.  It's funny how learning something new can truly inspire you and really get you going. I have spent an unknown number of hours watching videos and reading what other people have done. I have been learning the secondary software that is more robust than the original. I have also signed up for a course to learn photoshop so I can design things for my mugs and tumblers. And this has all really got me going. I have something

Today's the day

 Got almost everything for my laser engraver and today I will be firing it up and engraving my own design. Woot Woot. Super excited and also a little scared. Been reading a lot about laser engraving and feel like I have a much better understanding of it now. Engraving is the easy part, almost any machine will do that. The cutting is the difficult part. Cutting takes a more powerful machine to cut certain materials. Like metal. I'm okay with that. I don't plan on cutting a lot of things, mainly engraving. I can cut thin things, like balsawood, leather, thin metal. It's thicker, larger things that I won't be able to cut. And at this point I think I'm okay with that. I plan on mainly engraving things. Signs, water bottles, etc. Just engraving. So today will be the trial run with that. I'm excited. I spent a good chunk of yesterday learning the software and how to get images in, so now I just need to decide what to engrave and what to put on it. They sent a bunch of