
Showing posts from October 9, 2022

The Great Gila, NM Road Trip

 Just a quick recap of our trip.  Tuesday around noon:  We said goodbye to Little Lola. It was heartbreaking but absolutely necessary. Once she was sedated and really relaxed, we could feel a huge tumor on her liver that did not feel good. I'm pretty sure she had been in considerable pain for a while. So that was a very sad day.  Wednesday: We hit the road around 10am (I think). The route Google suggested was the 60 through Globe and Thatcher then some other minor highways through the mountains to Gila. +That road was so windy it was nerve racking. So we decided that we would take a different way home - the 10. We arrived in Gila around 4ish local time. Now I knew that these people had dogs, they indicated that they had 2 newfies. Well when we got there we discovered the 2 newfies and a puppy great dane. Ugh. To make things much worse, Mavy did not like the puppy at all. Probably it was too big and too playful. Too much energy for him. So that made the whole thing a little more cha

Something seems to have changed

 Maybe it was the road trip. Maybe it was just the timing. But something has changed in my head. I am bound and determined to get my sh*t together. I'm tired of wanting to do things and then not doing them. It's time to get on with it.  Working out. C has made a real great start in his working out. He gets in the pool every day and does his workout. That's awesome. Now, why can't I do the same thing? There is no reason, I just don't. So that's it. Working out every day. Developed a schedule a few weeks ago, now I'm going to follow it religiously.  Eating. Okay, on the road trip the eating was hit or miss, mostly miss. But that was poor planning on my part. I made assumptions that were patiently incorrect. But, that's behind me. Every day is a new day, every meal is a new meal and what happened in the past is completely irrelevant. So I'm thinking of fasting today until dinner. Just to get a kind of reset and start over. The weird part is that I have

Today will be a day of opposites

 Today will be sad. We are going to say goodbye to little Lolz after 14 years. She has gotten so old recently. Her arthritis is bad and she has hip dysplasia, watching her walk is extremely painful. She has trouble getting up and down and she's losing weight. She has no real interest in anything and spends most of the day in a deep, deep sleep. But then yesterday that changed. She was very restless yesterday. Panting a lot and couldn't seem to settle down. Something changed. So the vet will be coming today around noon so we can let her go. It's really, really sad. It's the end of an era. The Hawaii dogs will be gone. 6 years after we move, it is like Hawaii is really behind us. It feels like she breaks a chain that goes back to 1991. In 1991 we got Mana. Then we got Rocco. Then we got Nala. Then we got Axl and Lola. Then we got Bella. Mana overlapped with Rocco and Nala. Rocco overlapped with Axl and Lola. Axl and Lola overlapped with Bella. It's just been a continu

It happened again

 I took a rest day on Wednesday and I haven't done anything since then. This is something that I truly need to work on. I can't keep starting and stopping and starting...Ugh!!! It made me crazy years ago, it will definitely make me crazier now. So, while I realize it's after the fact, let's do a little analysis:  Thursday 10/6:  Last day of school before fall break and I came home exhausted. Completely and totally exhausted. The plan was to take off another day and pick it back up on Friday.  Friday 10/7: This morning we went axe throwing with some of the other teachers. That was super fun. After we went out to lunch and hung out for a few hours talking. Great morning. But that afternoon I did not feel like working out. So I didn't.  Saturday 10/8: Got up and walked Mavy and really had good intentions for the rest of the day. However, we got our Covid booster and flu shots this morning and by afternoon I was exhausted. I felt weary in my bones. So there was no worki