
Showing posts from October 2, 2022

Day 4 - Rest Day

 Although I really felt like working out yesterday, I am taking rest days. I know they are important. Maybe not a big deal now, since I'm just starting out, but as I get further into my fitness journey, they will become important so start the habit now. Also, I have a tendency to take a rest day and then stop for a few days. Or weeks. Or months. Or even years. So this is good practice for developing discipline in my workouts.  So yesterday was a rest day. I did stretch before bed, but otherwise I did no workouts. Tonight it will be Supernatural again. Tomorrow I'm going to the gym. Which reminds me, I need to plan my gym visit around our trip. So excited for our trip. I've been wanting to travel since we moved here. Finally get to actually do it.  In other news, I rejoined DMSC. I have been away for 6 months and realized that much of what was going on with me had to do with C's drinking. Now that he's stopped (basically) my anxiety has been greatly reduced and I fee

Daily Workout Day 3

 Forgot to post last night but I have a few minutes this morning so thought I'd do it quick.  Last night was a Supernatural night. I can't dig it up right now but I did a boxing Monster (that means a longer workout) and a flow. So two workouts and that took about an hour. Then I walked Mavy around the block because he was a nutjob and it was nice out. So yeah, lots of movement today. Woo Hoo!!!! Just a brief note as I wait for my shawl to dry, I feel good. I feel really, really good. C has stopped drinking and is just great to be around now. That has reduced my stress and anxiety and probably my blood pressure. Working out has also helped with all that. But honestly the situation with C had gotten so completely untenable that I wasn't in a headspace to focus on working out or really taking care of myself. On the nights he would drink I would eat junk because I was stuffing my feelings down and trying my damnedest to ignore the situation right in front of me. I have felt a d

Daily Workout Day 2

 Today was weight day, specifically upper body. That is without a doubt my weakest. So let's get to it:  Shoulder Press   Warm-up 10 reps with 5# 3 sets of 10 reps with 15# Bicep Curl Warm-up 10 reps with 5# 3 sets of 10 reps with 10# Overhead Press Warm-up 10 reps with 10# 3 sets of 10 reps with20# Pull Over Warm-up 10 reps with 5# 3 sets of 10 reps with 7.5# Chest Press No warm-up 3 sets of 10 reps with 15# I'm still adjusting to working out at home. Having to switch the weights out every time is time consuming. I'm trying to group movements that use similar weights. As a result I forgot to do 1-arm rows. That's okay, not the end of the world.  Today my arms were absolutely killing me. The upper, kind of bicep area, was sore. I did work out hard yesterday and I guess I'm feeling it now.  I want to come up with alternates for some of these exercises so that I can switch off occasionally. For example, I can do push ups instead of chest press. I need to find some mor

Daily Workout

 Going to try something new and old. I used to record my workouts here and make some comments on them. I found it good to go back to once in a while and also to see how I've grown and improved. So I'm going to do that again. Not only is it a little accountability, but I have a record so I can see growth and change.  First one.  Second one.  These were the two Supernatural workouts I did this morning. They were both hard, which is something I don't do regularly. I tend to hang in the medium workouts. But I loved the songs in the first workout so I went for it and then, since I had done a hard flow why not do a hard boxing. These killed me. I can feel my arms like you would not believe. Also, I was so winded on the first workout. Really felt good.  I'm tired and sweaty and feel amazing. I'm kind of excited about keeping this up. I have a long way to go but I know from experience that as long as I keep doing it, I'll improve. So let's do it. I may do another wo

Life is good

 Really, really good. It has now been about 3 weeks since C stopped drinking and things are good. Really, really good. He is so much easier to talk to. I don't try to avoid him all night now. Life is just awesome. I enjoy being around him. I enjoy talking to him. We laugh a lot. It's like it used to be. It hasn't been that way in a long, long time but I never even realized it was changing until I couldn't take it anymore. But these last 3 weeks have just been amazing.  Now, on to me. I did get a few workouts in this week, but not as many as I wanted. So I truly believe that my WHOOP is messing with my sleep patterns only because I'm paying attention to it. I had gotten my sleep dialed in and was getting awesome sleep. Then I started wearing that and listening to what it said I should be getting and it's just screwing me up. It is currently having issues with connecting with my new phone and I need to let the battery drain completely to try and fix it. So I'm