
Showing posts from September 25, 2022

To many numbers

 I have a habit of getting caught up in the numbers of things. The number on the scale. The number of times I work out. The number of hours I sleep. And on and on. I put it down to my scientific side always wanting to analyze and dissect things. But sometimes it can backfire and bite me in the butt.  A few months ago, around April or so, I got the Whoop. I saw someone mention it, I looked into it and decided to give it a go. I've been wearing it every single day since then - except for the 3 days when it died and I waited on a new one. Since then I have not really been using the data as well as I should. I look at the numbers but I don't dig in to what is behind those numbers. For example, my sleep. The Whoop gives you a sleep rating and then a recovery rating based on how ready you are to take on the day. During the school week those are both really low for me. Which is not totally unexpected, after all I'm up early, working all day, etc. But I let it get to me and I let t

Two days, two posts

 I find myself starting to fall back into old behavior patterns. Yesterday I was supposed to start my weight training program again. I had committed to doing it religiously for 2 months. I have even ordered some weights so I have the ability to work out from home since going to the gym during the week is a nightmare. But did I workout yesterday? No. I did not. Do I have a good reason like maybe I was injured or some kind of emergency came up? No. See starting to back slide into old habits. I'm not going to let that happen. So this morning I woke up, did some work, and jumped right into a workout. It was leg day, which I can totally do at home, so I didn't even need to consider the gym. Since that was yesterday's workout and I have one planned for today, guess I'll be doing another workout today. Thankfully it's Sunday. But the bottom line is that I will not fall back into old habits. I'm really feeling good. The knee appears to finally be really and truly on the