
Showing posts from September 18, 2022

It's been a minute

 Life moves fast and the days fly by.  So it's been two weeks since C went to the doctor and he has drastically reduced his drinking, like drastically. He had a beer on Tuesday and didn't have another one until lunch yesterday. I cannot tell you how nice it has been not having to deal with him in a drunken state. He gets very angry when he's drunk and I just can't deal with it. So the past two weeks have been really nice. He went back to the doc for a check up yesterday and his blood pressure is normal - yay - though he has to stay on the medication for now. His weight was down 3 pounds and he was all excited. I didn't have the heart to tell him that was probably from the bloating that the alcohol causes. His blood sugar was a little elevated - in the pre-diabetic range- so he has to watch his sugar intake. We also need to get him moving more. I think that will happen as the weather cools down. He seems to be looking forward to getting back into bike riding so that&