A couple of years ago I discovered the concept of equanimity. Equanimity is defined as mental calmness, composure, and even temperedness through difficult situations. That is something that I strive for. I really, really do. It's a constant work in progress, but something that I have been working on since I discovered it. I'm fairly successful at maintaining my equanimity in most situations. I can usually blow off getting upset over something by telling myself this is out of my control. I am therefore able to step back from a situation and watch it unfold without really getting involved in it. I thought I was doing really good at this. Until 2 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago I lost it in class. I mean I lost it. Big time. I have not lost it like that in class in a very, very long time. And I didn't realize how shaken my equanimity had been until days, I mean daaaays, later. Seriously, this thing happened. I let these emotions just take control of me and kick me around. But it took...