
Showing posts from August 28, 2022

The knee again! Really?????

 So yesterday the knee started acting up again. It actually feels like my IT band but I've learned not to assume anything. Walked Mavy this morning and it was feeling a little achy. I'm so done. So completely and totally over this whole f*cking knee thing. I'm OVER IT!!!!!  I have made an appointment for the chiropractor this morning, we'll see if that helps any. Last time I went to him it actually made it worse, so I'm a little hesitant but I need to do something.  On that note. My last post was about not beating myself up for not having the time to fit workouts in, but I also need to be realistic when I'm using being busy/tired as an excuse. Which I think is what I have been doing. I need to look for opportunities to get a workout in. Yes, my workdays are busy, but there are days this past week where I could have gotten a workout in, I just chose not to for some reason. That's not true, I know the reason. I didn't feel like it!! That is not a good or v