
Showing posts from July 31, 2022

Pain free and back to school

 I noticed the last couple days of last week that I was basically pain free. It felt good. I wanted to work out but I decided to stick to my plan of being 2 weeks relatively pain free before starting. So I fought the urge to workout over the weekend. But bright and early Monday morning I was at the gym for a workout. It felt so damn good. I worked out and then went to work. Where I discovered that I could use the stairs. Just last week I had to hold on to the handrail and really focus on walking up or down the stairs. But on Monday I discovered that not only could I move very freely, I didn't need to hold the handrail. In fact, I could even jog up and down the stairs. OMG!!! You have no idea how good that simple thing felt. So I worked out Monday and Tuesday morning and afternoon. Yesterday was the first day of actual classes so I knew I wouldn't have time to work out, it was my rest day. But I wore some heels all day and except for my feet being incredibly tired, I felt pretty

And we are back (I think).....

 Went back to school on Monday and while most of the time was spent in meetings, I did do lot of walking.  The leg feels amazing. I did not even think of it as I was doing things all week long. The only time it crossed my mind was when I had to get up on my little step stool, I still don't completely trust it and there is a tiny bit of pinching. I did however, take the stairs often. Sometimes all four flights. Wow! And it does feel good. Walking is fine. Stairs I still need to work on. Standing from sitting is fine. Yeah, I think we are definitely on the mend. I did start adding collagen peptide to my coffee and I think that may be helping some too.  So now I'm faced with the same dilemma from last week, I want to start working out but how do I do that? I haven't done Supernatural much this week, the last time I did it, I could still feel the calf muscle so decided to back off again. Monday and Tuesday I did hit my step goals and it really wasn't that hard. Tuesday I h