
Showing posts from July 10, 2022

Getting better

 Last time I posted I had minimal pain for 2 days. I could still feel my calf muscle but there was no pain associated with it.  I felt the same the next day and decided to wait one more day before going to the gym. So Monday morning, bright and early, I was at the gym. I did an upper body workout and honestly, it felt so good to be working out again. My calf was a little tweaky, which is completely weird since all I did was ride the bike and then do upper body. But okay, I was careful with it. After that I went to school for a few hours to get my classroom ready for the waxing. I was feeling my calf and a little worried that I had done something to it again. But I kept at it but didn't push it too far. Tuesday morning was the big question. It was leg day. Do I do it? Do I rest it some more? What do I do? I decided to go and if the leg gave me any problems at all I would immediately quit and rest it some more. So, with some trepidation, off I went. I always warm up on the bike for 1