
Showing posts from June 26, 2022

I miss working out

 Before my calf injury, I was going to the gym 4 times a week and doing Supernatural most days. Since I realized that everything I was doing was wrong for my calf, I've been doing nothing. That is since Tuesday. It may not sound like that long, only 6 days, but lord it feels like forever. I'm beginning to feel soft and squishy again. I feel like I'm gaining weight only because I'm not doing anything. So I think I'm going to go to the gym tomorrow morning and do upper body. At least I'll get a workout in. I would really like to get up super early and take a nice long walk too. Walking doesn't seem to bother it, though I wonder if a long walk would? I'm just tired of sitting around. Then I think, well it's almost gone, maybe if I sit around for a few more days it will go away completely and I can just resume my normal life.  This whole knee/calf thing has really highlighted that I do not want to be like this. I do not want to be unable to do the things

Why do I make things so difficult

 I love a good planner. I like the illusion of being organized and on top of my life. The problem is that I fall into traps. I see a new planner and think, ooohhhhh, that looks nice. But many of them have all this nonsense I don't need. For example, I currently am using a Panda Planner, which I do really like. But every day they have a whole page spread for the day:  There is a space to put some gratitude every day - that's awesome. There is a space to put things you are looking forward to - that's also awesome. There are boxes to list priorities and plan things out. There is a timeline so you can note appointments. In front, there are monthly calendars - which I use a lot actually. There are also weekly check-ins; Big Wins, Things to Improve, Planning for the coming week, large boxes for projects, etc. The truth of the matter, and this is almost freeing to admit, is that I'm at the point in my life where I don't have a lot of big projects going on. Sure I have thin

More leg problems

 I've been down for almost a week with a sore left calf. I keep saying that it came on suddenly on Friday night, but was it really that sudden? I had done Supernatural - which always bothers that leg - and then I stretched. After that I sat on the couch and when I got up my calf was starting to tighten up. I, of course, tried to fix it and I think I only made it worse. Saturday I was in a lot of pain. I did go to Costco and walked funny and really slow - that didn't help. Sunday was sort of painful also. This whole time I kept trying to fix it by stretching and walking and doing PT exercises and massaging it. I could not just rest and let it heal. So I was in a lot of agony for a couple of days and then finally on Tuesday I said screw it. I'm done. I decided I would not continue to try and fix it and just let it run it's course. Yesterday I went to school to do some work - my room is a complete disaster - and I just hobbled around. My friend came by and was talking abou

The saga of the air conditioner

 In the category of it's always something........ Our air conditioner died. Friday night I was sitting at my desk when I heard this weird noise. To me it sounded like steam hissing out of a pipe. I walked around and determined it was coming from my AC intake vent. Called Hubby over and he listened. We decided that it could wait until morning. If it had started 10 minutes later, I would not have heard it until morning anyway.  So morning comes and I call the repair company. They are really, really busy that day and want to know if I can wait until tomorrow. Ummmm, I don't know. My AC is making this weird ass noise and I have no idea if it's going to blow or not. So I have no idea if it can wait. So she agreed to put me on the list for today and we waited. Around 3:30pm I get a call that the tech is on the way. Yay!!! He gets here and comes in and listens to the noise. Hmmm, he says, that doesn't sound good. He then heads out to go on the roof and look because that his wh

The last few days.

 have been a bit of a train wreck and I need to get things back in line. Let's examine.... On Friday we went to lunch like we always do. Hubby had a pretzel and I ended up eating half of it. Then, after picking up Lola from the vet, we swung through McDonald's to get ice and Hubby wanted an ice cream cone, so I got one too. I did feel like crap after I ate it and ended up doing 60 minutes of Supernatural. A few hours after working out, my left calf became extremely painful. The muscle feels really tight, almost like a cramp. It is not exactly painful, it is just that I can't walk normally because the muscle is not moving properly. So I'm walking all wonky and I know that will screw with my back. I have to focus really hard to walk somewhat normally so that my back doesn't end up hurting. So I'm walking slowly and purposefully in order to try and walk normally. I did end up going to Costco with Hubby and while walking through I decided to get some sweets. I initi