
Showing posts from June 5, 2022

Something seems to have clicked

 Not sure what it is or how it happened. But it feels like a switch has been flipped inside my brain and self care is easy. It's not perfect, but it is definitely becoming the default response. I have discovered that the gym is really empty at 7-8am. So I'm up and at em to get to the gym during that time period. I'm becoming far more comfortable in the gym. I just go in and do my thing. I do have a tendency to people watch, but the comparisons are minimal and I usually catch them pretty quickly. I'm living my life for me and not anyone else.  Food is becoming fairly easy too. I've stopped counting calories. I realized the other day that never worked for me. Counting calories, counting points. None of that ever worked well for me. So I stopped counting but I do track what I eat each day so that I can see if I'm eating junk or not. Mostly it's not. I had one day last week where I had a beer and a little, tiny ice cream sandwich. Otherwise I did not eat junk at