
Showing posts from May 15, 2022

what is a comfort zone?

 So today I am doing something that is so far out of my comfort zone. I'm joining a group of people that I don't know for a hike 90 minutes away. Ummmm, hello, who is this?  Yes, I decided a few weeks back that I want to hike. I like to hike. No, I love to hike. When I lived in Hawaii I hiked a lot. A. Lot. Having my knee injury through prime hiking season is really what made me realize that I want to hike. There are tons and tons of beautiful hikes here in Arizona and I missed out on all of them because I hurt my knee at Thanksgiving. So now I'm trying to make up for it a little. We are getting into the heat of the summer so hiking will only happen early, early in the morning or up north. But I'm okay with that. There is no reason why I can't join these things.  So, why exactly is this so far out of my comfort zone? Well, I'm joining a group of people that I don't know. That right there is usually a show stopper for me. Don't know anyone? Not going. Don

A quick update

 So many, many things.  First my head cold seems to be completely gone and that is a good thing. Second, I have been so very, very tired this week and not completely sure why. Part of it has to do with the end of the year and part of it has to do with boredom in classes. We aren't doing anything new and that is just boring for me.  My new scale is amazing. Part of the reason I thought I was so tired was that I wasn't eating enough food. I had stopped eating breakfast - which is not bad in and of itself but I wasn't making up the calories I missed. Then lunch would be a salad and that is just not enough calories. Also, I had stopped my apple/peanut butter snack after school. So that is part of the reason I think I was getting so tired. So yesterday I added all those things back in again and this morning my weight was down. Weird, huh? But I truly believe that your body responds to stress by holding on. If you aren't eating enough, it holds on to fat to keep you alive. If

Needing to find some balance

 Since I got my new planner I have not written in here as much and that makes me sad. I love writing in here because it's like free form thinking and sometimes things show up that I'm not even aware of. I think I'm going to start doing my planner at night and doing this in the morning again. I find a real difference in my mental state when I write in here.  Which leads me to a topic that has been floating around my mind the past couple of days. I've been weighing myself fairly regularly for a while now. I do it for a number of reasons, but that main one is that knowledge is power. If I see the scale creeping up I can look at what I'm doing and see if there is something different. Also, I just find that when I'm aware of the number I tend to do better. The number doesn't get me down at all because I know that so many, many things influence it. Which leads me to what I'm thinking about. That number on the scale is really just a relative number and not an e