
Showing posts from May 1, 2022

Off the rails

 Today the eating was off the rails. I wasn't really hungry this morning but I wanted something. So I stopped at McDonald's and got a sausage McMuffin with egg. My thought was that I could eat just the insides and throw the muffin away. Yeah, that didn't happen. Then one of my students came in and gave me a donut for teacher appreciation week and I ended up eating it. The PTO made lunch for us and one of the moms made gluten free brownies. I had one. And then I had 2 more. They were good. Thankfully I did not eat after that until we ate dinner and I kept that under control.  So in doing some analysis, why did this happen? The truth is I've been craving some carbs for a few days and I've managed to fight it off. I think, and I have nothing to base this on but my anecdotal experiences, but I think I need some carbs every so often. I was expecting to feel like crap, and I may tomorrow, after eating all that, but I actually felt a little energized. I thought the sugar i

Panda Planner - a small review

 I love me a good planner. I have reached the point in my life, or maybe I've always been this way just didn't know it, where if I don't write things down they are gone. If I have something to do and don't write it down, chances are it won't get done. If I did something and try to remember when or where, if it's not written down it's gone. So I do love me a good planner. But I could not find one that completely worked for me. I fell into the trap of decorating my planner and that just became too overwhelming and I would stop using it because I couldn't decorate it right or enough or at all. Then I would try to go minimalist, but there are some days when there is just not a whole lot happening and it would look like I didn't have a life. Granted, some days I don't, but I don't want it to look that way. I've tried almost every name planner under the sun; Passion Planner, Plum Planner, Erin Condron, Happy Planner, just to name a few. Then a

Just a bunch of random thoughts

 I didn't blog yesterday because I was tired. Really. Really. Tired. End of the year teacher tired. I seriously had trouble making it through the day yesterday. I think it's because of my sleep patterns on the weekends. I've developed this habit or this routine of sleeping well Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, but come Sunday night I don't sleep so well. I don't know if it's because of my lack of activity or lack of mental stimulation or what. But I don't sleep well on Sundays then Mondays are a drag - literally. Need to do something about that.  We only have 13 more days of classes. Woot Woot!!! 3 more Mondays. Woot Woot!!! It is coming down to the wire and I personally could not be happier. I'm thinking of taking the easy way out this year and doing an all multiple choice final exam. It's been a rough year for everyone and I could just make it easy on myself and my students.  So Whoop is working great. Getting good data. Not sure what it all

May day is Lei day

 Today is May 1st or May Day or Lei Day in Hawaii. It is unbelievable that it is already May. Where the heck is the time going?  And the truth is, I'm much more present for all my time this year than any in the past.  I think I'm liking this new routine. I like blogging before bed, it allows me time to dump all the stuff rattling around in my brain. Then I can go to bed with a clear mind and sleep like a baby. That is until Bella has to go.  Today was a very good day. We were supposed to go over to a friend's house, but I just didn't feel like it. After all the errands on Friday and painting the living room yesterday, I just wanted a day to veg at home. The pool got warm enough to get in and that was really nice. I did some reading. Some watching TV. Some doing little things around the house. It was a good day.  So I was listening to a podcast this morning and they were talking about doing hard things and being honest with yourself when you don't want to do them. An