
Showing posts from April 24, 2022

Switching up habits

Notes from the morning so I don't forget:  So last night worked well. I stretched, then blogged, then read. It worked just fine. This morning also worked fine. I got up around 5:30 (not sure of the exact time, I will check tomorrow). I unloaded the dishwasher, made coffee, meditated, and then did a quick hit. It all took approximately 1 hour. Of course that depends on exactly what time I got up. So I will need to adjust my mornings just a little bit.  Later that same night:  What a day. I was sitting here typing the above paragraph when my phone rang. It was the furniture place to let me know that the delivery would be here in an hour. Okay, it was 6:30am when they called. So I woke up Hubby and we hit the ground running. We showered and dressed, then started moving the old furniture so there was room for the new stuff. We were trying to figure out what to do with the old stuff, it was big and heavy and going to be a bear to move. So the delivery truck got here and it was two young

Habit building/Habit stacking

 I've been thinking about what I wrote earlier most of the day. I need to create some different habits and I've been dwelling on how to go about doing that. One of the ways to do that is habit stacking. If you have a habit of doing something and want to start a new habit, add the new thing to the one you already do. For example, I'm thinking of switching up my blogging time from morning to evening and using the morning time to get a quick workout in. So I have the habit of meditation and I stacked the habit of blogging onto that, well now I want to switch out another habit for the blogging and stack it with the meditation. But I have to be careful because I don't want to lose the blogging. So I'm trying to come up with a habit to stack that onto. My evening routine looks like  this:  eat dinner lay on the couch, color, and watch TV clean the kitchen  give the kids pills and biscuits Miscellaneous stuff  Reading before bed - not always but I try That is all that is a

Problems solved and things to change

 So since I got the Whoop on Tuesday, I've been having trouble with it. Initially it wouldn't sync right. Then when it did sync it started showing no data. Then it seems I lost all the data. It was kind of a nightmare and I was ready to just return it. Then yesterday a support person asked if I was wearing my Whoop over a tattoo. Yes, yes I am. Well that was the whole problem. I moved it to the other wrist and it's been working fine ever since. So instead of asking me 18 times if I had my phone set the right way, someone could have asked if I had a tattoo and cut to the chase very, very quickly. So that problem is solved. Apparently they are working on a fix for the tattoo issue and will push the update to me as soon as they can. Yay!!!! Sunday is the first of May. The. First. Of. May. I cannot believe that we are going to be 5 months into this year. I also can't believe that I am 6 weeks into a weight loss journey and am still having the same old issues I had before. F

Funny how things come around

 On Monday I wrote a post about equanimity and how it was something I am working towards. Then yesterday I wrote about my troubles with my new Whoop. Well, there was no equanimity involved in figuring that thing out. None at all. I got it Tuesday and couldn't figure it out. When I went to bed Tuesday night there was no equanimity at all. I was ready to send the damn thing back. I told the support people to explain it to me like I was 5 because I could not understand what they were asking me to do. I was angry and I know when I'm angry that I get stuck. Once I'm angry, new thoughts are almost impossible. And so I keep thinking the same thoughts over and over and that tends to make me angrier and it's a vicious cycle. I put it aside, got a good night's sleep, while wearing my Whoop, and just decided to see what happens. Woke up yesterday and it did sync so all was good. Of course this morning it's acting weird, but I'm just going to let it be. I just looked at


 I got my Whoop yesterday. I was very excited because it's a fitness band that you wear all the time and it tracks all kinds of things; sleep, recovery, strain, etc. I'm no longer racing or training, but I'm always interested in more data. Plus I would like to start pushing myself with hiking and working out and etc. So I got it yesterday and was so stinking excited. I got it charged up and ready to go and nothing. I can't get it to sync regularly with my phone and so I'm having trouble getting the data off of it. I've read all the stuff and contacted support and even posted in a Facebook group, can't seem to get it to work. Of course, as I'm sitting here I just had a bit of a thought, what if there is really nothing for it to get? I'm not doing a whole lot during the day, just teaching, what if it's not syncing because there is nothing to really sync?? It says that it needs 4 days to collect all the data to start making some recommendations and


 Equanimity:  mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.  A few years back I had not even heard of that word, well I'd heard it but not in reference to me. Then I started working towards it. I've come a long, long way in developing my equanimity. I no longer have severe mood swings. I get happy, but not over the moon elated. I get sad, but feel like I'm able to stave off depression now. This doesn't mean I'm a joyful, happy person all the time. Not at all. I still feel my emotions but they are completely controllable and I try to make them valid.  Listening to a podcast yesterday and they had a good point. A really good point. Nothing can make me feel anything. For example, I'm dealing with a completely incompetent person at my refinance company, yet nothing she does can make me feel anything at all. I do get angry because she is incompetent, but that's on me not her. She thinks she is doing her job well, I'