
Showing posts from April 17, 2022

On being an introvert

I don't think I blogged yesterday. I think I had a reason but now it escapes me. Today I'm going to talk about being an introvert. It has taken me years to realize that I am a true introvert and what exactly that means. Introvert is defined as: a shy, reticent person. In turn, reticent is defined as: not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily. I would argue with both of those definitions. Am I shy sometimes? Sure. Am I reticent sometimes? Sure. But not always and that is not the defining characteristic of introversion. This is probably the closest I've seen to a true description of introversion: It's still not 100% accurate, but it's pretty close. Introverts are not necessarily shy. No one I know would describe me as shy. I'm friendly, outgoing, and enjoy a good time as much as the next person. However, being in the company of people for long periods of time literally saps my energy. By the time I leave a group I've been with for a long time, all

Not a lot to say today

 I really can't think of much to write about today, but here I go.  The knee is feeling really amazing. I picked up a massage gun at Costco on Monday and have been using it on my IT band and OMG!!! It has made a world of difference. My knee feels so, so much better because of it. I even went one entire day with no pain and didn't think about my knee even once. That was nice.  I've been a little tired and worn out this week. I think I'm letting the stressors get to me and I can't do that. Monday night my sleep was not great, but the rest of the week it's been awesome. I'm just kind of low energy and really not into it. Need to break that and get back into it. It's much more fun when I am into it.  I sat on Sunday and got my planner all set up for the week, but I haven't really used it much. Of course, I've taken to not hanging out in here much during the week nights. I'm trying to avoid mindless scrolling on the computer and so I'm staying

Sleep was not good last night

 and I'm not exactly sure why, though I have some ideas.  Yesterday was a good day. I took a walk on the canal. Then we went to Home Depot and Costco for a few things. Then I came home and cooked lunches for the week, I had been dying for some Brussel sprouts and hot links, I haven't had that in a long, long time. So I made a big batch of that for the entire week, I'll be burnt out on it but it will be okay. And that was about it. After cooking my legs were killing me, just killing me. So I laid on the couch for a few minutes, maybe 30, and they felt much better. I was doing some laundry on and off and so I was up and moving. Then we had some lunch and hung out in the pool  for awhile. Felt so good. Then I came in and sat on the couch coloring for about 2ish hours. Then I went and did Supernatural and it was back on the couch for a short time. Dinner and then back on the couch for a short time. Cleaned the kitchen, did my PT exercises, read, and went to bed. I read for a fe

Basic Brain Dump

 During my meditation this morning I thought of something I wanted to write about but then of course I lost it. So that is gone. So I decided to do a brain dump instead.  Today is a holiday. We had an extra day that we needed to use and so they gave us Easter Monday off. Yay, but not really. I'm of the type that I would rather just do it and get it over with. Let us off a day early at the end.  My knee is so, so much better and I have to think it's because of the walking. For 2 mornings I have walked the canal and my knee feels really amazing. Saturday I went to PT and that always helps. Then Saturday night we walked and walked and walked at the garden thing. So more steps and the knee feels better, coincidence? I think not.  I believe that we have 24 more days of school left and I personally could not be happier. that means I only see each class 12 more times and one of those times will be for the final exam, so 11 more times. I may do the final exam in 2 parts like I did last

Taking on challenges

 I've been listening to the podcast of the group I used to belong to. It's only for members but I guess they don't remove use so I still get it. I've been listening for the past couple of weeks, there are some good insights in there although there are still things I don't agree with him on.  One thing he brought up this week though that really resonated with me was the idea of making things you want to master a challenge. He talked about people going low carb for a month and viewing it as a challenge. I like that idea. Instead of looking long term, look short term. Make it a challenge to force yourself to do it and then gradually it becomes a habit. That's how this thing started up again. I was supposed to do it for a week or so and boom, it stuck. So a challenge is a good idea.  I've been thinking about this all morning and I'm thinking of doing a challenge a week. Kind of like the weekly focuses he does. But this way I can make them my own. So I am goi

Goals and having fun

 So part of the reason I am on this health kick is that I want to have fun in my life. If you are constantly in pain or unable to do the things you want to do, you are not going to be happy. I really and truly want to be happy.  Last night we went out to dinner with some friends, a great restaurant The Culinary Dropout, awesome and expensive. We then went to an art show in the Desert Botanical Gardens - Chihuly in the Gardens. The artist blows glass and makes these amazing, huge creations. Like this:  We went at dusk so we got to see them in the daylight, kind of, and then all lite up. It was pretty awesome.  The thing was we walked a lot. A. Lot.  Let me recap my day yesterday. I took a walk on the canal first thing in the morning. Then I went to PT and worked my legs. Then we went to Costco and that was a lot of walking, always is. Then I had to work the play which is a lot of standing and checking tickets. We came home after the play and zonked out on the couch for about 40 minutes.