
Showing posts from April 3, 2022

Thoughts on weight loss

I am having some thoughts on weight loss fat loss recently  and I thought I'd work them out here. I've been weighing myself every morning because for me that is nothing but data. On Thursday morning I was 214.8 and yesterday I was 216.6. I didn't get upset, it didn't ruin my day, and I certainly didn't beat myself up, but it did make me think. What affects the number on the scale? I know that I had a big dinner the night before so maybe that was it. I also had a couple of salty snacks on Thursday, so maybe that was it. I also didn't weigh myself at the time I normally do, so maybe that was it. Or could it have been hydration? I didn't drink a lot on Thursday so maybe I was a bit dehydrated. There are so many things but I would like to find some correlations to work on. Now logically I know that I did not 'gain' almost 2 pounds in 1 day. I would have had to eat 7,000 calories to do that and I did not. But I also know that without enough water my body

More on the knee and other nonsense

 The knee has been amazing. Just amazing. There are hours, hours where I don't think about it. I do think about it when I get up out of a chair, or try to use stairs, but otherwise I really don't think about it much. I haven't used the arthritis cream in a week now either. I have done my exercises 5 days now and they are really, really helping. It's times like these when I think why didn't I do this sooner? Oh well, I'm doing it now.  Something was flittering through my head this morning as I meditated. The person I used to follow was so dead set that he was right on certain things. Absolutely dead positive his view was correct. Yes, he would say to let him know if there was another point of view, but he really wouldn't entertain them, just find a way to undermine them. For example, he walked for 4 hours one day and was writing about how he did it just to do it and to challenge himself and all this nonsense. When I countered that I did the same thing when I

The knee

 Thought I'd write a little update about the knee. It's doing amazing. Not 100% but so, so much better than it was a week ago. I got some exercises and stretches from my physical therapist and I've been doing them every night. They are a pain in the ass because they take an hour to do, but clearly they are worth it because I'm almost completely pain free. Yay!!! I went to the PT on Friday and today is Tuesday so it's been 5 days of exercises/stretching. There have been stretches of time when I have actually been completely pain free and did not think about my knee. That has not happened since before the Thanksgiving injury. I'm so happy. I am working on moving more, at least what I can do during the school day. I plan on walking a lot when summer comes even if I have to get up at 4:30 to go for a walk. I get up that time anyway, I will just walk before I do anything else. I do hope Mavy heals up and he can go with me. It's more fun to walk with a dog.  Other

Things take time

 I've been doing the PT exercises now 3 days and I want it to be all better. I have a long, long way to go and I need to not get impatient or want to quit. Healing this is going to take time. I think she scheduled me for 6 weeks of sessions. If we can fix it in 6 weeks I'll be very, very happy. And honestly I think we can. I'm feeling much, much better already so I think 6 weeks will be good. My back is hurting which is something that always happened. My back has hurt most of my life, so that's not unusual. The PT exercises take almost an hour every night. That's a long time, but it will really only be an issue during the week. I went over this yesterday, I need to change the way I look at it. It's something I'm doing for my self care and that makes it all worth it.  In other news, there really is no other news. Yesterday was Sunday and thus a rather lazy day. Laundry. A little shopping. Walking. That's about it. Today we start testing week, the most bor

A change of attitude

 Hmmm...not really so much attitude as perspective I guess. I went to the PT on Friday like I posted about yesterday. I did not use my Voltaren cream yesterday and my knee felt amazing all day long. Which only reinforced my thoughts that exercise is the key to everything I want as I continue my journey though life. See, it all comes down to the fact that in 5-6 years I'll finally be able to retire. When I do that I don't want to sit home and do nothing just waiting to die. I want to do things. I'm thinking we might splurge on a camper van and just drive around. Stop and sleep wherever we feel like and just cruise. Maybe do that one to two weeks at a time, whenever the mood hits. There are so many things I want to see in this country and then maybe once a year take a trip overseas. I do not want my physical body to hold me back from doing the things I want to do. Also, I have worked hard all my life, I want to enjoy my last few years. Okay, enough maudlin stuff, let's ta