Thoughts on weight loss
I am having some thoughts on weight loss fat loss recently and I thought I'd work them out here. I've been weighing myself every morning because for me that is nothing but data. On Thursday morning I was 214.8 and yesterday I was 216.6. I didn't get upset, it didn't ruin my day, and I certainly didn't beat myself up, but it did make me think. What affects the number on the scale? I know that I had a big dinner the night before so maybe that was it. I also had a couple of salty snacks on Thursday, so maybe that was it. I also didn't weigh myself at the time I normally do, so maybe that was it. Or could it have been hydration? I didn't drink a lot on Thursday so maybe I was a bit dehydrated. There are so many things but I would like to find some correlations to work on. Now logically I know that I did not 'gain' almost 2 pounds in 1 day. I would have had to eat 7,000 calories to do that and I did not. But I also know that without enough water my body