Physical Therapy
So I went to physical therapy yesterday and it was a bit of an eye opener. First, I was really, really scared that I had done some serious damage to my knee like torn something. So one benefit of going to PT was to learn if my problem was fixable or if it is something far greater than they could handle. So the good news is that it is fixable. The bad news is that I have lost so much muscle tone and strength in my legs it is not funny. I used to pride myself on how strong my legs were. Now? Not so much. Thankfully they gave me a bunch of exercises to do at home to help strengthen the legs and I know what needs to be done also. So I am on it. I will be doing the exercises every single day and I will be walking. A. Lot. I know that this strength loss is almost directly correlated to the fact that I can't hit 10,000 steps any more. So that is going to be my goal. I currently have my step goal set at 7,500. I'm going to focus on hitting that every single day this week. I'm goin...