
Showing posts from March 27, 2022

Physical Therapy

 So I went to physical therapy yesterday and it was a bit of an eye opener. First, I was really, really scared that I had done some serious damage to my knee like torn something. So one benefit of going to PT was to learn if my problem was fixable or if it is something far greater than they could handle. So the good news is that it is fixable. The bad news is that I have lost so much muscle tone and strength in my legs it is not funny. I used to pride myself on how strong my legs were. Now? Not so much. Thankfully they gave me a bunch of exercises to do at home to help strengthen the legs and I know what needs to be done also. So I am on it. I will be doing the exercises every single day and I will be walking. A. Lot. I know that this strength loss is almost directly correlated to the fact that I can't hit 10,000 steps any more. So that is going to be my goal. I currently have my step goal set at 7,500. I'm going to focus on hitting that every single day this week. I'm goin

Time to seek professional help

 A few weeks ago, I awoke with my knee just killing me. It was so bad I could hardly walk and wanted to cry when I did. It was bad. Of course, this was after a weekend of wearing the shoes that bothered my knee, but I didn't know that at the time. So I broke down and asked my doctor for a referral to PT to fix this knee. The PT place called and wanted to schedule an appointment but I had lost my insurance card and they needed that information. Finally got a temporary copy of my card and called yesterday to make the appointment. I'm going to see them today at 11 am. Of course, my knee is much, much better now. But it's still not 100% and I want it to be that. Or as close as possible. So today is the day and we will see what they have to say.  In other news, I'm going to gym and the chiro before I head to PT so this should be interesting. I didn't go to the gym last weekend because things were just crazy. This weekend though, no so much so it's time to get back th

It takes time to form a new habit

 At least for me. I am trying to get into the habit of tracking my food and I sometimes fail miserably. Like yesterday, I didn't track anything yesterday so now I need to go back and recreate it. I will get to a point where it is a habit, it just takes time for me.  Same way with ab exercises. I want to get into the habit of doing them every day but honestly, I haven't even started them yet. It's a goal I have, but not one I'm able to pull off yet. I think I'll start doing my ab exercises after Supernatural. I'm working out, I'm in my workout clothes, I'm all sweaty, I'll just drop to the floor and do some ab exercises. Going to remember that today. I'm going to put a little note on my computer so when I'm done I'll turn and see it. Once I get the habit it will be all good. I just need to get the habit in.  Another thing I need to work on is my eating. The doctor's program wants me to cut sugar to less than 24 g a day. That's all

Meditation can be hard

 Today my mind was like a rabid squirrel, darting all over the place. I had so many thoughts while meditating that I don't even remember them all. Yikes!!!! Some of them were sort of important too and now I can't remember them. Yikes!!!! Oh well, they will return.  So I know that I shouldn't put any credence in the number on the scale, but today I am down to 213. Now I know that does not define me and I'm not over the moon happy about it, but it definitely is nice to see the number heading in the downward direction. I think I've dieted enough to not let the number on the scale dictate my mood or anything like that. It is just a moment in time and my relationship with gravity at that moment. I know that it can change drastically and swiftly for no apparent reason. Yesterday morning I was 214.8 but after an hour I was 215. That makes no sense at all but I think I have a grasp on that fact now. There was a time when the scale would determine my mood and how my day went

Now it's the dog's knee

 Mavy has been limping on and off for a while. A few weeks back he slipped on the floor and screamed for a good 2-3 minutes. Then he started limping more often. Took him to the vet and they put him on Rimadyl for 10 days to see if it would help. Nothing. Called the  vet back and said what's next? So yesterday they put him on Gabapentin for 10 days to see if that helps. In the meantime, that makes it hard for me to walk after work because if I don't take him, he will carry on like a fool. But I want to walk. I may take clothes to change into and walk on the way home. That would be amazing. Except yesterday, it was raining. And it's supposed to rain today too. Hmmmm...bad timing for my idea?  I did come home and do about 45 minutes of Supernatural. It was awesome. I really, really like that. I do some boxing first and then I do some flow which is just hitting at balls that come at me. I love it. I always warm up with a little BeatSaber, usually Lady Gaga. That's fun too. 

The knee

 I swear this knee has taken over my life. So yesterday I wrote about the shoes. After writing that post, I worked out in bare feet, showered, got dressed, and went to brunch with friends. I wore some shoes that were flat and did not have a lot of cushioning. My leg felt great all day. I came home, took those shoes off, and then spend the day mostly on my feet. I raised my desk up and was busy doing laundry and getting some things done for school. So I was moving almost constantly and on my feet. No problems at all. My knee felt great. I even remembered later in the afternoon that I had forgotten to put the Voltaren cream on in the morning. No cream and it still felt great. Yes!!!! So here's a weird thing. I asked my doctor for a referral to for some PT for the knee. They called and wanted to schedule the first appointment but needed some information from my insurance card. Since I didn't have it with me, I told them I would call them back. Well, I've been looking and canno

An even better correlation

 A few days ago I wrote about how I think there might be a correlation between my knee hurting and the amount of sitting I do on the weekends. There are definitely days when I sit more but there are also days when I sit more at school and my knee doesn't hurt. Then last Monday, as I was getting ready for school, I put my school shoes on and stood up. The first thing I thought was these feel so different than the shoes I wear on the weekend. And my knee hurt a little. Then as I walked the pain started to recede. Hmmmm...I wore those shoes all week and seriously had next to zero knee pain. Even those days when I did Supernatural at night. Zero knee pain. Friday I had a staff meeting at school so I ended up wearing my school shoes and did not have a problem even though I literally sat for almost 3 straight hours. Whenever I initially stand up the back of the knee is a little stiff, but recently it has been clearing in just a few steps. So that got me to thinking, could it not be the s