
Showing posts from March 20, 2022

The whole weight thing

Friday, Marcy 25th  Since March 18th I've been logging my food and really putting an effort into losing weight. Okay, that's not completely true. I have been logging my food, but I haven't been weighing and measuring it all. I have been working out more but still not enough. And junk food has snuck in two or three times. That's enough. I do want to lose some of my reserved fat. I do want to feel better, have more energy, and be healthier. But letting things slip here and there is just not the way. But I know myself too. I know that I generally slip and slide in the beginning. I do. Someone pointed that out to me years ago and it's a pattern that has held for almost my entire life. When I start something I tend to be a little more lackadaisical about it in the beginning. Once I get into the routine of whatever it is, I'm rock solid and it's hard to break my stride. That makes complete sense. When I started meditating I had the hardest time remembering to do i


 I think that I made a connection about my knee and my activity level. Last week my knee felt great. Great!!! Then the weekend came. Friday wasn't very active, I met with my nutritionist via Zoom, then we went and had the taxes done. Then it was off to lunch where I had 2 beers. Then it was home for a fairly lazy afternoon. I watched some TV in my room here and fell asleep in my chair. Walked Mavy and that was about it for the day. Saturday I did some Supernatural before Hubby got up, went to the gym, did a little cleaning, and then sat all afternoon because we had some friends over. Then came Sunday. I went to the gym, did some Supernatural, went to grocery shopping, and that was about it. I spent a lot of Sunday sitting or stretched out in my chair. By Sunday my knee was really starting to bother me and by Monday I was in agony. So my correlation is that my knee pain is directly related to my level of activity or lack thereof. Monday I was in complete agony with my knee and today

Feeling the need to expand

 These blogs that I have are somewhat restrictive. They all pertain to a certain topic. This one is supposed to be about health and fitness. I have one about school. One about the dogs. And a couple of others that I don't ever use. But there are times, like today, when I want to write about things outside of those topics. I want to write about what is going on in my life in general. Also, I feel like I want to actually write, on paper, with a pen. So I may have to switch things up a little bit. Maybe I'll alternate between pen and paper and here. I don't know. I hate to waste a whole book by starting writing and then not finishing. I don't know. I do know that I'm going to write in a book now because I really do feel like it. 

The saga of the knee continues

 I'm reaching the point with the knee where I don't know what works and what doesn't.  I've been feeling really good. Almost completely pain free. The only time it has been bothering me is after sitting. When I first stand up it is a little stiff and takes me a few steps to shake it off. Then there are some times when I can't seem to straighten it correctly and so I walk a little funny. But the vast majority of the time it has been feeling really, really good. Until yesterday.  I woke up yesterday and the knee felt amazing. Almost zero pain. I got up early and since Hubby wasn't up for a few hours, I decided to do some Supernatural on the Oculus. So I did. It was awesome. But the knee felt a little tweaky after. Then it was gym day, so I headed to the gym and did legs. The rest of the day the knee was a pain in the ass. I put some cream on in the morning and I had to put some on before bed again. I haven't put it on before bed in a weeks.  The pain has shift

Time for a change?

 I've really been getting the desire to write on paper lately. I think I may switch over to paper writing soon. Maybe today, who knows. I just feel like writing on paper.  Friday we got our taxes done and for the first time in a very long time we are getting a huge refund. HUGE. It's kind of amazing how much we pay the IRS. It's almost 10% of our income. That's stupid. Anyway, we are getting a big refund.  I also sat and completely redid the budget. I mean completely. Started from scratch. It is in good shape now, I just need to keep up on it and not let it slip again. That may mean checking it every single day. Of course if it is in order checking it takes 3 minutes. It's only when it gets messed up that it takes longer.  I may use a habit tracker in my planner. I've tried them on and off for years and sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Maybe I'll just put it in my planner as a to-do and go from there.  Yeah, I really don't have anything els