
Showing posts from March 13, 2022

Time to get serious

 So this morning I am meeting with a nutritionist to help me lose some weight. I'm not excited about it but I do want to lose some weight. I've been doing pretty well since my doctor's appointment in February but I would like to do better. I would like something from the doctor so I could tell Hubby, I can't eat X, Y, Z. He doesn't seem to understand that completely and has no follow through. Not that I've given him a lot of good examples of follow through. I've started and quit how many diets/exercise programs in my life time? So I don't really blame him for dropping the ball, I've not been a good example of staying power. But you know what? When it becomes a matter of life and health it becomes a different ball game. Completely different ball game. I have not had a beer in over a month. Granted, I only had 1 a week but I just gave those up completely. I have not had any bread except for a soft pretzel - which I paid dearly for so I won't do tha

A brain dump

 I don't really have too much to write about today, so I'm going to do a bit of a brain dump. Let's go.... It is Thursday!!! This first week back from spring break has gone fast. Please let's hope all the rest of them go this fast too.  It's been a pretty good week. We got a lot accomplished in my classes, so that was good. Still a lot more to cover but we'll keep plugging along.  Graduation season is starting. I'm in charge of it with another teacher. That will be fun, it always is.  I didn't work out yesterday. Decided wisely to take a day off and rest. I really, really like the Supernatural workouts and can easily see myself overdoing it. So yesterday I got home late and decided to take the day off. Today though, I'm back! I've started weighing myself every morning. I used to do this years ago when I was in WW. Then I started listening to someone else who said to throw your scale away. That is good advice if you let your scale have any sort of

Time to start logging the benefits

 For almost a month now I've been avoiding alcohol, sugar, and wheat. I've been working on getting more activity into my day. And I've been paying attention to what I eat. The result? I'm really starting to feel good. I have lost a little weight but more importantly, I feel like the fat around my midsection is breaking up. It does not feel so hard and firm anymore. I actually feel like I can pull my stomach in. Even more importantly, I have more energy. I'm not dragging my butt through the day. Okay, I still get a little tired at the end of the day, but overall I feel pretty darn good. I've managed to come home Monday and Tuesday and get a great workout in on Supernatural. Of course, I haven't been walking Mavy because he is limping like crazy, so he's on restricted activity. But I'm feeling good and I like it.  I'm still on the mailing list for DMSC and I find it interesting. He is doing a Weakless seminar and this morning's email says that


I've kind of had it with this nonsense. Wow, have I said that before? I'm doing good, making some changes but I'm frustrated with the changes I haven't made. Why can't I just change everything all at once? Okay, I know that doesn't work and I know that I'm throwing a little bit of a hissy fit here. I just need to keep moving forward. I'm actually making decent progress and feeling really good.  Let's look at the way I'm feeling:  I don't crave sugar anymore - that's huge but quite honestly something I can turn on and off fairly easily I don't have this huge belly, okay, well I still have a huge belly but it's getting softer and squishier. It doesn't stick straight out in front, but it's gotten more droopier. That doesn't sound good but it actually is. It's losing it's shape hopefully because the underlying fat is being eaten away.  I've been going to the gym fairly regularly. That is huge. Really, really hu