
Showing posts from March 6, 2022

I don't know what is best

I really don't. There is so much conflicting information out there on weight loss and I've been knee deep in it for years. I just don't know what is the best way. I like paleo and I know that not eating sugar and wheat works well for me. But from there where do I go? Do I count calories? Do I not count calories? Do I weigh myself? Do I not weigh myself? I just don't know what to do, I honestly have no idea. I do know that I need to find what works for me and stick with it, but how exactly do I find that?  So this is coming to a head now because I really want to lose some weight and I'm just not sure how to approach it. I also have some underlying factors that make the paleo diet not the greatest choice. So what to do. I looked at that Bright Line Eating and there are a couple of things from there that make sense and I really think will work. Mainly some hard and fast lines that are just not allowed to be crossed. Mine are sugar (though I had a mochi last night), whe

I awoke completely and totally pain free today

 Which gives me hope that I can one day be that way all the time again. The knee, or more correctly behind the knee, is already acting up and I've been up for 30 minutes. But when I first got up out of bed, no pain at all in my knee or leg. It was heaven. Now I do have butt pain because the other day I did squats. Quite a few of them actually. I have been avoiding squats because of the knee but I did them and they didn't hurt so I kept going. Well I think my theory, don't squat because of the knee, is completely and totally wrong. Apparently squats help the knee. So from now on there will be squats.  Had a tooth capped yesterday and it was actually an enlightening experience. I'm always apprehensive about the dentist, but rather than shutting down, my usual MO, I decided to just ask. Everything that came to my mind, I asked. Before we started I asked how a tooth was capped, what he did, and how he got the tooth ready. After I asked how he made the cap and I got to see h

Road Trip

 Yesterday was our road trip, I wrote about my little bit of anxiety over it in yesterday's post. Well it went phenomenally. We left here by 7:30am and arrived in Lake Havasu around 11:30am. We stopped at a rest stop to change drivers, I started, and then we stopped at McDonald's to get some coffee. Otherwise we just drove. It's the first time in a long time we have been able to do that because we didn't have any dogs in the car so we didn't have to worry about stopping for them. On the drive we ride right next to the Colorado river and it is pretty cool. The state boundary runs right down the middle of the Colorado so it is Arizona on one side and California on the other. When we got to Havasu it was so windy you could hardly walk. I wanted to walk across the London Bridge but once you got over the river it was so windy and cold I couldn't do it. Brrrr.....  There is a walk below it so we walked down there and took some pictures, it was pretty cool.  The sign o

Some anxious thoughts

 Now I know better than to ruminate or worry. I know that ruminating over something that has already passed is absolutely ridiculous. I also know that worrying about something that might happen is equally as ridiculous. I also know that living my life in fear is about the most ridiculous thing of all. Yet that is what I've been doing for the past 24ish hours. So let's examine these thoughts.  We are traveling to Lake Havasu City today to meet  up with some friends from Hawaii. It is a 4 hour drive there and back, so that is 8 hours of the day spent driving. Then we will meet them for lunch so that will be an hour or two. We are looking at a 10 hour day most of it spent on the road. I'm nervous that something will happen during those hours on the road. Now the chances are actually good that nothing will happen, but still I'm worrying. I'll be driving the majority of the time, if not all the time. I'm a very defensive driver and I always assume that the other guy

Just some ramblings

 I don't really have anything to write about today, so I'm just going to ramble for a bit.  I wonder if writing here cramps my planner style. I usually record everything in my planner, but since I started writing here again I haven't been writing as much in my planner. Coincidence?  My hips have been sore. It could be because I'm walking and doing far more than I was in the recent past and they are just adjusting. I was walking Maverick yesterday and realized just how sore my hips are. I haven't done the hip opening in a couple of days because my knee was feeling so good and I'm not sure if that helps or hurts the knee. But I may go back to it tonight.  I didn't get any Supernatural in yesterday. I spent the morning deep cleaning the kitchen and then the afternoon I was just tired. I walked Maverick and watched some Netflix. Then we had to go work the play last night. So yeah, no Supernatural yesterday. I'm going to get some in the morning though. We are