
Showing posts from February 27, 2022

75 Hard vs. 75 Soft

 So there is this new thing going around, at least it's relatively new to me, called 75Hard. This is where you do some very hard things for 75 days. It is supposed to make you stronger and change you in profound ways when you realize you can really can do super hard things. That is apparently the trend lately in self-improvement. This is one of the reasons that I left DMSC because of the ridiculous 'hard' things he was prescribing; cold blast in your shower, rucking, things like that. A cold blast at the end of a shower is not 'hard' it's annoying and inconvenient but it's not hard. Rucking is in and of itself not 'hard'. You put some weight in a backpack and you walk. Not that difficult. However it can be dangerous and he didn't really have any guidelines for it. Women who were overweight and out of shape were walking down stairs with weights on their back, rucking in snow and ice, yeah, that is just not safe to me. There should be some qualifie

The days leading up to break

 are some of the hardest on record. All this week my energy was down and by the end of the day I was exhausted. Same with yesterday. Which is odd, because Thursdays usually energize me since it is finally the end. Not yesterday. I was so exhausted I didn't want to drive home. When I got home, I was too exhausted to walk Mavy. I sat on the couch and colored. Ate dinner and was back on the couch for a while. Then I cleaned up the kitchen and was in bed by 8:30. I was probably asleep by 8:45. Then, of course, I woke up at 4:30 this morning. Ummm, no! But really only tossed and turned until 5:15 when I finally got up. It's just nice to know that I really don't have to think today. That is nice.  I have some plans for the week but I think today, tomorrow, and possibly even Sunday will be completely down days. I'm just going to do things that I enjoy and not worry about school or anything resembling work. Going to the gym, the chiro, out to lunch, to a play. Yes, that sounds

Low energy day

 Yesterday was about the lowest energy day I've had in a while. I had zero energy after school and couldn't even take Mavy to class last night. I was doing okay most of the day and then I gave in to the cravings and had a Grandma's cookie pack. UGH!!! It hit me hard. But I learned something very, very valuable. Actually a few things.  1. When I am tired, worn out, or just low for any reason, sugar is most definitely the drug of choice.  2. Giving in changes absolutely nothing. I was still worn out, tired, and just plain low.  3. It doesn't taste that good, it really doesn't. When you've been eating good, wholesome food, highly processed food tastes kind of flavorless.  4. This actually began with a bag of Fritos in the morning. I didn't realize that until just now, but that's where this little, tiny binge started.  5. I need to do some exercise when that happens and not turn to food.  I knew all of the above and yet I gave into it anyway. And it left me

A change of plans

 So I did what I always do and tried to jump in too fast. I heard about that Bright Line eating and thought it might be just what I needed. So I signed up (thankfully a free trial), bought the book, and even bought a digital kitchen scale. I was going to go all in. Then I ran across a site that called Bright Line eating dangerous and a bit of a cult. Hmmm, maybe I should just see what they have to say. A lot of what they said was nonsense. For example, they don't think sugar is a drug - okay, anyone who has had to break a sugar addiction will tell you it most definitely is. They also felt that limiting yourself to 3 meals a day was far too restrictive. Again, what? Humans were not made to graze, well maybe a little, but not near as much as we do. Anyway, so there is a lot of stuff they talked about that I completely disagree with. But they had some good points. One being the restrictiveness of the calories. Which I then sat down and calculated and was floored. Based on their eating

48 hours

 It has been 48 hours since I put any of that Voltaren on my knee and it feels damn good. Not perfect, but not painful. Still not 100% but so, so much better than it was. I'm trying to see how long I can go without it. I need the knee to heal eventually and this is a test to see if it has healed any. So far so good.  Yesterday we went to lunch with some friends, one of whom is moving to New Mexico in a couple of weeks. That was fun. Haven't seen the friend that is moving in over a year so it was definitely good to see her.  That's really all I have to say today. I'm going to switch over to the other blog and finish this time off.