Bright Lines Eating
It has been a while since I followed an eating plan and measured my food, but I'm about to start that again. One of the reasons that I left DMSC is that I no longer feel like it is meeting my needs. I don't want to be doing cold plunges and rucking every day. I think that some of the things he is 'prescribing' can be dangerous to older women in not great physical shape. Also, I listened to a podcast on cults and unfortunately DMSC was starting to hit many of the points about cults. And also, no offense to anyone, but I'm taking health advice from a man (that is one thing right there) who claims to follow the science and yet doesn't believe in vaccinations and listens to Joe Rogan. Yup, that's it, I'm done. It's almost like I've been in a kind of a trance, believing everything he was telling me. Then when he said something I disagreed with, it broke the trance and I'm like wait!! If that is wrong, what else is wrong. I guess it's easy to ...