
Showing posts from February 20, 2022

Bright Lines Eating

 It has been a while since I followed an eating plan and measured my food, but I'm about to start that again. One of the reasons that I left DMSC is that I no longer feel like it is meeting my needs. I don't want to be doing cold plunges and rucking every day. I think that some of the things he is 'prescribing' can be dangerous to older women in not great physical shape. Also, I listened to a podcast on cults and unfortunately DMSC was starting to hit many of the points about cults. And also, no offense to anyone, but I'm taking health advice from a man (that is one thing right there) who claims to follow the science and yet doesn't believe in vaccinations and listens to Joe Rogan. Yup, that's it, I'm done. It's almost like I've been in a kind of a trance, believing everything he was telling me. Then when he said something I disagreed with, it broke the trance and I'm like wait!! If that is wrong, what else is wrong. I guess it's easy to

Time for some self-care

 I tend towards depression. I'm not really sure exactly why, but there are times when I find myself dipping into a slight depression, more like a lethargy or an apathetic state. I've been that way this week. I know when it happens because there are outward signs. One of the main ones being that I completely ignore my planner and my budget. Anything that requires a decent amount of time and/or commitment I will put off. That is a sure sign that something is really, really wrong. I've been that way the last weekish???  I have even been avoiding my hip opening challenge which makes me feel good physically and mentally. So that all ends today. Today I am going to devote to self care which involves things like my planners and my stretching and taking care of my mental health. I'm done with the lethargy/apathy, just done with it. I have some appointments to make, I have some things I want to do (think tattoo), and I've been putting them off for some reason I'm not com

And again with the knee

 So yesterday was not a good day and I'm not sure why. Since Saturday, my knee has been feeling so damn good. That Voltaren has helped it so, so much and I went for long stretches with no pain at all. Then yesterday my knee hurt when I was sleeping. It hurt when I got up. It hurt on and off all day. It was definitely not good. I'm not sure why. I don't remember doing anything to aggravate it. I didn't stretch on Tuesday night and I'm wondering if that is part of it. I wonder if my hip opening challenge is really helping me with the knee? Because that's the only thing I didn't do and things were much worse. Last night I made sure to do my stretches and put a whole bunch of Voltaren on it and it felt great last night. I was also careful to keep the leg as straight as possible when I slept. The only other thing is my shoes. All weekend I wore my Altras with my medium insoles is them. Yesterday for work I wore my Skechers shoes with my big insoles. But truthfull

The knee one more time

 Yes, I know I talk about it a lot but it takes up a lot of my life and thought processes right now.  The doctor on Friday recommended diclofenac for my knee. It's a rub-on analgesic that helps with arthritis pain. Much better than large quantities of ibuprofen. So I got this Picked it up on Saturday and started using it right away. I have just 3 words to say; OH MY GOD!!!!  Why did I not use this weeks and weeks ago? This stuff is like a miracle drug. You can use it up to 4 times a day. I used it twice on Saturday - once when I got it and then before bed. Almost immediately my knee felt amazing. Still little twinges but nothing serious, best I had felt in weeks. Then I used it 3 times yesterday - first after my shower, then again around 3 pm, and then again before bed time. Yesterday was probably the first dog walk that I have taken in months that was not painful in some way. I felt amazing and felt like I could walk forever. I didn't because I know better, but damn it felt go