
Showing posts from February 13, 2022

The doctor's visit

 Well, yesterday was an interesting morning. My doctor's appointment was for 9:15am. It is located inside Fashion Square, a mall I have never been to, so that was interesting. Luckily, after circling the block once I found a good parking spot not too far away. I go into the mall and the office is right there, yay. But there is no receptionist or anyone in the front of the office. I open the door and see a screen to the left with my initials on it. I head over that way and just then someone walks out from the back. Asks if I am Florence and then tells me how to sign in on the screen. Then we walk to the other side of the front area and there is a body scan machine. I stand on this and it takes my temperature and weight. Then I stick my fingers into a slot and it is supposed to take my heartrate and blood pressure, that didn't work. Then I'm taken back to the room. This room has a super soft, comfy chair for us to sit in and on the walk facing the chair is a giant screen. And

New doctor experience today

 So today I have an appointment with a concierge type doctor. I pay $150 a month to have access to a more holistic doctor for my medical needs. I will be able to call/face time with them whenever I need them and they will act as my primary doctor. At least that is how I understand it. Today I am going for the baseline appointment. They will be doing a body scan, blood work, and I believe genetic testing to determine where I am and where I need to go. I'm kind of interested and am looking forward to it with a little trepidation. I think the trepidation comes from it being a doctor. They always cause a little fear and concern, but I'm not really worried. I'm basically healthy and this is just another step to help me stay that way.  Because of this appointment I will probably not make it to the gym today. That's okay. I have 5 days to get 2 workouts in. I can go tomorrow and Monday - thought that will probably be a little crazy with the holiday. Or I can go tomorrow and Tu


 I need to increase my activity levels. I'm doing a whole lot better than I was a few weeks ago, but I need to do even better. I'm averaging around 7,000 steps per day, which is awesome. There was a point where I had a hard time breaking 5,000. But I need to do even better than that. I need to get it to 10,000 every single day and I'm not completely sure how to do that. My legs feel tired all the time. All. The. Time. My feet are frequently sore. I know that part of the problem is my knee, but that doesn't account for the tiredness and soreness. Or does it? I'm not sure. I do know that I took 2 ibuprofen yesterday morning at around 7 and felt absolutely fantastic all day. So maybe that's the key? If I'm feeling tired legs and sore feet take a couple of ibuprofen to help? Maybe that's the answer. I don't know. I keep thinking I should go to the vein doctors that I see on TV. Then I think I should go to LaserTech since they cure your pain. There are li

Quick knee update

 So the knee felt really good all day yesterday, a little stiff after sitting but that is normal now. But my foot was hurting. I had this weird pain in the outside of my left foot most of the day. It wasn't really in a muscle or a tendon, maybe a bone. Maybe a misalignment of the bone. I don't know but it was annoying. I don't know if it's the shoes or the insoles or just some general weirdness. I just don't know and so I just don't know what to do about it. Ignore it? Try to fix it? What????  Oh well, life goes on. I'm off to get ready for work. 

The saga of the knee continues

 So I'm not really sure how to proceed with this knee or if I should just keep going the way I'm going. Friday I woke up and the knee felt really good. I should point out that I did not stretch on Thursday because I was chaperoning a school dance. I didn't get home until 9:30 and I was tired, so no stretching on Thursday. So I woke up Friday and the knee was good. Went to the gym and did upper body work. The knee felt really good for the rest of the day. Did my stretching Friday night and it felt great. Woke up Saturday morning and the knee still felt pretty good. By 7 am I was in agony. The knee was killing me. I couldn't walk right. I could fully extend the leg. It was horrible. Then suddenly by noon or so I was fine. The knee felt great and I could walk pretty well. WTF??????  Woke up yesterday and it felt like it always does in the mornings, pretty good. Went to the gym and did lower body - carefully. Came home did some house cleaning for a small super bowl party we