
Showing posts from January 23, 2022

Cognitive Dissonance

 Yesterday I was very down. I used to get really, really depressed. Thankfully that doesn't happen anymore but I can spot when I'm feeling down or depression is coming. So yesterday I was feeling down and I couldn't quite put my finger on why. The budget is out of control and that was bugging me. But that was mainly my fault and something that I kind of knew was happening but I wasn't stopping it. So that was a bit of it. My knee was acting up again and that was kind of bumming me out. I thought I was making progress but now, here it was, as painful as ever. So that was kind of bumming me out. But these things aren't huge and I've dealt with them before so they shouldn't be making me feel down enough to actually see it. After walking Mavy, which definitely helped my mood, I sat down to watch the judges because that always makes me happy. But they weren't on because they were broadcasting a golf game. Ugh!!!! So I said, screw this I'm going to play on

I'm back again

 I'm a little down. I started the week with all these high expectations. I was going to do all the things and conquer the world. That didn't happen. And it's not that it didn't happen, it's that I know better. I know that I can't expect to do all the things at once. I get overwhelmed and do nothing. Guess what happened? I got overwhelmed and did nothing. So now of the things got done. I need to approach this slowly. As it says in Atomic Habits, start slow. Add one thing at a time and make it easy. I got into the habit of stretching at night because that is all I added. I got into the habit of blogging again because I put it at a time when I had some time, I put a time limit on it, and I only added that. I've been neglecting my second job because it's all too much for me. I've also been dwelling on the things I can't do, which means that the things I could do end up not getting done. UGH!!!!! For this weakless challenge thing, I'm not sure if

Once again too much, too soon

 I have a habit of going all in too soon. I started the hip challenge back in November or so and it felt so good, things were really loosening up and I was walking different. So I decided to jump right into running. Didn't bother to consider that maybe I should be getting more steps in overall first. Or that I should start really, really slow, like one or two run intervals and build from there. Nope. Jumped right into C25K and injured myself. Okay, scale back and try to repair the damage. Which is where I still am right now. Tried to take it really slow but I got frustrated and decided to push through. That worked up to a point. But I honestly think I pushed too hard. I started doing the back challenge and that seemed to help a little bit. Then I decided to add in the hip challenge and that also seemed to help a little bit. But the foam roller was too much and took it right over the top into pain again. I need to go slower and I need to listen more to my body regardless of what any

Well, something went wrong

 I have been doing my back and hip challenge and it seemed to be really helping my knee. Then a few days ago I added in foam rolling. Now the foam rolling hurt, but after the knee felt good, really good. So on Monday and Tuesday night I foam rolled, did the back challenge, and then did the hip challenge. On Wednesday we also went into the spa. When I woke on Tuesday and Wednesday morning I was in agony with my knee and my back. They both hurt a lot. And they bothered me most of the day. Standing/walking hurt. Sitting hurt. Whenever I sat, I had to be careful getting up because it would tighten up a lot no matter how short a time I was sitting. Both days it did not start to feel better until after lunch. So last night I decided not to do anything. No foam rolling, no hip challenge, no back challenge. And no spa. It was not bothering me when I got home from work and when went to bed so I decided to just let it be. Woke up this morning feeling pretty good. No real pain in my knee or back.

One step up and two steps back

 I've been doing the hip opener challenge and the happy back challenge. Things have been getting better for my knee. Less pain, easier movement, all of that. Then the other night I started foam  rolling. While it is painful to do, immediately after the knee feels amazing. Also, it is getting easier except for my traps, those are still so incredibly painful. Anyway, the knee feels great after rolling and stretching. But yesterday morning, and again today, I get up with major back pain on one side. I don't know if it's from the stretching/rolling combination or the way I sleep. Or could it be that things are just moving back into proper position and many times it will get a bit worse before it gets better. I don't know but I have to keep powering through to find out. I also think I will make a chiro appointment for Friday.  We did hit the hot tub before bed last night and OMG, that thing is amazing. I always feel so relaxed and sleep so well. Love that thing.  I don't

Foam Rolling

 Yes, we are talking about the knee again. I've been doing the Happy Back and Hip Opening challenges at night before bed and they have been really, really helping. But last night I did a foam rolling session. It was brief, like 30 seconds on each area, but OMG!!! It helped probably more than the back and hip challenge together. It didn't last long, it started to hurt rather quickly, but I woke up this morning feeling better than it has in a long time and I don't recall feeling it during the night. So as painful as it is, foam rolling is my new best friend.  The hardest part about these challenges and foam rolling and things like that is figuring out how to work them into my schedule. I don't have a whole lot of time at night after work, so I have to be careful how I use my time. The good thing is that games are not important. They can wait until the weekend. I do have to check Johns Hopkins - I know I have some grading to do there. And I also have to walk Mavy - that is