
Showing posts from January 9, 2022

The knee is slowly healing

 It's been really slow which is what leads me to believe it's fascia related and not musculature. Also, when I sit it gets stiff, but as long as I'm moving it's fine.  This is day one of a 5 day weekend and even though we just came off winter break, it is needed. I need to regroup since I didn't get much set up over the winter break.  Yesterday my watch died for no apparent reason. Seems that the battery drained before I got home from school. That never happens. I don't know why it happened. I charged it up last night and it seems fine this morning. I hope there is nothing wrong with it. I love Samsung, I really do, but almost every single watch I have gotten from them has required repair or replacement. Weird.  I've signed Mavy up for a training class. He is the type of dog that needs regular  training and bonding and he needs to just be more active. So on Tuesday nights we will go to training. I think it will be good for him. I honestly think it will be go

And it's Wednesday......

 The weeks go so fast but the days are slow. It's weird. Today it's just a brain dump since I have nothing to write about.  The Happy Back Challenge day 2 was hard. They had a move I couldn't do. Well, I could do it but not well. We had to lay on our stomach, hold on to some blocks at chest level, and lift the blocks. That means squeezing your back and shoulder blades. I could barely get the blocks off the floor. Weird.  The other day I was on the floor and was unsure how to get up. I don't like that feeling and that alone is a good reason to work out regularly. But on top of that, I'm feeling a little unsteady on my legs, especially in the morning. If I have to get up in the middle of the night, I'm very shaky on my feet. None of this I like. None. Of. It. This right here is more than enough reason to keep moving and to work out. I hate it. I want to be able to jump up out of a chair and walk without thinking about it. I want to sit on the floor and get up with

Working on the back

 I started a Healthy Back Challenge last night. It's the same guy that did the Hip Opener challenge and I really, really liked that. My thought is that I would do both every night, but the back challenge has a stretching component so maybe not. I don't know, we will see how it goes. But I did it last night and it felt good. I definitely need to make stretching/flexibility/opening/etc part of my self care. It is super important to me. I want to be able to move easily through my life and to continue to do so.  In other news, there is really no other news. Yesterday was Monday and so it was back to school.  Oh, I don't know if I've written about this yet but I got an Oculus 2 for Christmas. I quickly found this app call SuperNatural. It is a workout app. They have boxing, meditation, stretching, and what they call flow. Flow is where you have bats and hit at things flying towards you. It is super fun. Anyway, in my effort to move more I have signed up for it. I know that I

Taking control of my health

 Ever since we moved to Arizona, I've not been happy with the health care system. Regardless of the cost- which is stupid expensive- it is just not great. In Hawaii I had Kaiser where I had one doctor that I could call for everything. A primary care physician if you will. I would call her and then she would direct me to other doctors if needed. Now granted, they were all in Kaiser and it was relatively easy to get an appointment but let's ignore that for now. Even the Hubby has that with Medicare. He has a primary care doctor that he always calls first and they direct them from there. Also, Medicare is so, so much better than my insurance, smh.  So last week, as I'm cruising Facebook, I came across an ad for a clinic that focuses on health and wellness instead of healing. You pay a monthly fee and you work with the doctor to bring you to optimum wellness. They work on weight, cancer prevention, skin screening, even genetic testing to see what you are prone to. So I have dec

Movement generates movement

 I set my goal at the beginning of the year to get back up to 10,000 steps. I knew that it would be a journey because I haven't hit 10,000 in well over a year. Oh, I would hit it here and there, but never with any consistency. Challenge accepted....... So my mindset has switched to movement. Get movement. My knee is still hurting if I walk a lot, but it's not so bad that I can't fight through it. Yesterday Hubby needed help taking down and putting away the Christmas decorations and I volunteered to help. He would have done it on his own, but I volunteered. My steps the last 3 days have been 5100, 6600, and 7200. Those last two have been Friday and Saturday a notoriously low step count day for me. Today is Sunday and I have school work to do so I'm going to have to make an effort to get my steps up, but I truly believe that I can do it.  The Oculus is proving to be a lot more fun and beneficial than I thought it would be. I've joined a workout cult group that is sup