Not beating myself up

 In the interest of not beating myself up, I have come to the realization that at this point in time, I have to limit my workouts. The four days I work are just too busy to try and fit something in and I refuse to beat myself up about it any more. I always have working out at the top of my mind and if I can do it, I do it. But if I can't because of work, I'm okay with that. I will do the best I can and just keep moving forward. I'm human. Sh*t happens. I will continue to do the best that I can. 

I'm trying to dissect my decision to not go hiking. I was supposed to go to Phon D. Sutton this morning and go hiking with a group. I was on the fence about it all week for a couple of reasons. One, it's supposed to be freaking hot today (hotter than it's been in a while) and we weren't starting until 7am. That means we would be out hiking until 9 or so. It's going to be blazing by then. So that was making me waffle. Then last night I looked it up and it's an hour and a half away. Yikes!!! For some reason I thought it was a whole lot closer. That means I'd be on the road for 3 hours. I'd have to leave here by 5:30am and if we didn't get done till say 10am, I wouldn't get home until almost noon. Um, yeah, no. Not that I don't want to do that hike, I do. But I think I will wait a little bit longer and do it when it's not so hot. Then I don't have to get there so early and it will be a lot cooler and we can spend the day there. So I'm pretty sure I didn't back out because it was 'uncomfortable' but for legitimate reasons. 

So that means I have a free morning. I'm going to use it to go to the gym and get a workout in. If I had gone hiking, I would not have made the gym. I didn't make the gym yesterday because I had to go to the business Costco. That would have left tomorrow as my only gym day this week. So I think my reasoning is sound and I'm still doing something. 

Okay, I'm off to go workout. 


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