
Showing posts from December 12, 2021

So much running around my head

 that I'm not even sure where to start. I'll start with Bella. She is doing so, so well that now I feel like a jerk for waiting so long. To be extremely honest, I really and truly seriously considered not having it done. Now I can't imagine why. She looks so much better without that thing right in front. Her breath doesn't smell like something died in her mouth. She is breathing easier and just seems a whole lot more comfortable in general. I was going back and forth about doing this right up to the minute of surgery. I wasn't sure it was the right thing to do. Now I know that I made the right choice. She is so much better without that thing. It was worth every single penny.  Now let's talk about my knee. 3 weeks!!! 3 freaking weeks!!!!! I'm done. Last night I did some foam rolling and it appears to be my IT band that is the major culprit. That's good, I can fix that. I also restarted my hip opener challenge. I think stopping that was a bad idea and coul

Bella did well

 The surgery went flawlessly. The vet said Bella did really well, the tumor wasn't too large so they didn't have to take much of the jaw, and she woke up great. Such a relief to have it over and her home. I didn't realize how truly worried I was until after I picked her up. All the way home I yawned and yawned. The tension had left my body and I was exhausted. She was very unsteady on her feet last night, but that is kind of to be expected after anesthesia. She slept through the night, which I'm actually sure is the only real sleep she got yesterday. She was under but that's not really sleep. And when she wasn't under she was constantly being checked on plus just being in the vet's I'm sure she didn't get a whole lot of sleep. And sleep is the best thing for healing. So yay, she slept through the night.  Have to take the car in today and see what that will freaking cost. Plus I have to get all of my finals graded. So busy day today. I'm off. 

Today is the day

 Bella's surgery. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit nervous, but overall I do feel pretty calm. I feel like we are making the right decision, even though I know that Charlie is still against it. But I feel pretty good about it. It's going to go well. I'm glad I'm not at work though, there is no way I would be able to focus if I was at work. I'll be working at home here, but that will help distract me from what is happening.  In other news, I'm going to the gym today. My leg has been bothering me now for almost 3 weeks now and I'm over it. Completely and totally over it. I've tried resting and taking it easy, that didn't work. So it's time to try movement. I'm not going to go crazy, but I'm going to get moving more. I'm also going to find my pink knee sleeve and start wearing that. So it's to the gym today. Going to start with upper body and get a good workout in. I figure after I drop Bella off at the vet, I'

Random thoughts on a Monday

 The self care group I belong to has weekly focuses. This week they added a new one, judgement, and I rather like it. I don't worry too much about people judging me, I'm a teacher and everyone and their brother thinks they can do it better, but I do have a habit of judging others. In the weekly focus video, the guy said, you only judge others based on your insecurities. That is true. I do that. And I've been working hard to stop it and it's getting better but still there. So I'm excited for this week. Our assignment for this week is to not think negative thoughts. Ugh!!! That really is something I've been working on for years. Years!!!! I remember running down Kam highway when we lived at the ranch thinking I was lucky enough to be overweight. That means I had enough food to eat and didn't have to work too hard. Since then I've been working on my complaining and that was easily 25 years ago. So yeah, let's focus on that, I'm in.  Another thing he