
Showing posts from December 5, 2021


  Hubby and I got our booster shots yesterday. We had been waiting for a weekend when we had nothing to do and one finally came along. We also were trying to find a place that had both so we could go together. He got the Moderna shot and I had gotten the Pfizer. Yes, we could have made 2 separate appointments for 2 separate places but that would have lead to missed appointments and a whole lot of complaining on his part. So I searched and searched for a place that could do us both. That ended up being a Maricopa County site. It was crowded and we had to wait for a while, but we got them and that is the important part. I slept really well last night and don't feel anything at all this morning from it, so hopefully it won't affect me at all. I did take some ibuprofen before bed because I'm done with this leg. After 2 weeks of pain I am completely and totally over it. I generally will not take things like ibuprofen because it slows down the healing process but I figure after 2

Still sore

 11 days and I'm still in a bit of pain with my knee. It is definitely getting better but it is a slow, slow process. I spend most of my day not in pain now so that's good. And I walked Mavy last night with minimal pain, so that's really good. But getting up in the morning is tough which leads me to believe that it's not muscle but tendon and fascia. Bummer, those take forever to heal up. But at least I am making progress.  I am itching to get moving again though. My sleep is being affected. My overall feeling of wellbeing is being affected. I need to get moving again. I hate this feeling. So no gym, no real walking in 11 days. Not good at all.  I guess that's really it. Not a whole lot to say. Most things on my mind these days are school related but I don't feel like blogging over there.  So I guess I'll call it a day and get going early. 

Trans Siberian Orchestra

 What a show. We went last night for the 3pm show and how amazing it was. They always put on an amazing show with music, lights, fire, so awesome.  I had a weird dream just before I woke up. I dreamt that my daughter bought a house in Hawaii. Specifically Mililani for $171,000. Ummmm.....there are so many things that are a fantasy about this I can't even dig in. But yeah, that was interesting.  Don't really have a whole lot more to say. The knee is so, so much better. Still a little sore, but at least now I can walk relatively normally. So there was a whole series of problems with this thing. Something was sore or pulled or whatever, that was causing issues with my knee. It felt like my knee was swollen, though it technically wasn't. Because it was swollen, I had a hard time bending it or straightening it completely. That made walking a challenge and caused me to walk funny. The walking funny caused pain to my back and hip because they were off kilter. It's a whole thin

Knee still painful

 Here we are 9 days after my first run and my knee is still bothering me. It is definitely getting better, this morning I can actually bend it, but it will still be a while before it's completely better. So what have I learned from this adventure? Well, first I think I jumped into running far too quickly. I have quite a bit of excess body fat and that weight all adds pressure to the knees when you run. So I think that was too fast a start. Also, I got brand new, zero drop shoes and the first time I wear them I go running for the first time in years. That was not the smartest thing I've ever done. But, the good news, is that this knee thing has highlighted something to me. I'm very inactive. Very inactive. At almost any point in  life up to the last 6 years, I could have taken up running at the drop of a hat and while it would have been difficult, I could have kept running. I truly believe that my difficulty this time came not so much from my age, but from my lack of overall