
Showing posts from October 17, 2021

The house is shaping up

 When we moved to Arizona I was so excited because I got to live in a beautiful, modern, fancy house. The first house had tile floors, a Mexican tile roof, a long, elegant hallway that was like a runway. It was gorgeous. We went out and bought furniture to match. We got a very modern leather couch and loveseat and a fancy dining room table. It was awesome. Until I realized that it really wasn't. I didn't like living in a fancy house. I didn't like having fancy furniture. It took too much work. It looked too sterile and it just wasn't us.  When we moved to this house, of course we brought all the furniture with us. The fancy couch and loveseat went into the front room and became Maverick's loveseat. The other, leather, couch and recliner went into the family room and that's what we use mostly. I never really liked the front room but also didn't know what I wanted to do with it. I am the type of person who needs to live in something for a while to really get t

Time for a new routine

 For a little over 18 months my low back has been bothering me. I started going to a chiro in Sept. 2020 because it was so bad I was in tears. It's a lot better than that, but it's still not as good as it can be. It hurts most of the time. Ugh!!!!  I still go to the chiro, which helps, but not enough. I started the gym with the intention of it helping my back but that hasn't worked out. More on that in a second. So it is time to get a solid, stretching, rolling routine in place. I do stretching sporadically in the morning but never in the evening. And rolling doesn't happen at all lately. So it is time to get those components in place. I'm tired of having back pain.  So speaking of the gym. I joined with the intention of going every weekend and working out. I hired a personal trainer because I thought that would help inspire me to go. How very, very wrong I was. While I like having someone tell me what to do, I don't particularly like my trainer. She's okay,

Journaling time

 I'm going to try something new, journaling in the morning. I've always been an evening journaler unless there was something wrong that I needed to work out. I would morning journal a problem. But I've always been one to write at the end of the day and recap how it's going. Time to switch things up a little bit.  We've had a visitor here for the last two days. He's nice and all, and I've gotten a whole lot better with having people in my space, but it throws things off. I can't laze around in my nightgown at night, because he's here. I can't walk around naked while I figure out what to wear, because he's here. It really does cramp my style. But he's leaving today so it's all good. And he's a nice guy, easy to have around, he even walked Mavy for me yesterday. Cool.  I've got my front room pretty well set up the way I want it. We are just waiting on the fireplace which should be here mid-December. It is so nice and cozy, I love