
Showing posts from October 10, 2021

Acting like a 4 year old

  That's been me this past week or 10 days or so. I was kind of fed up with my lifestyle (as I talked about in the last post) and needed to change something. So I decided that since I have been working on my self-care and learning not to beat myself up over things, I could go back to my old lifestyle. My logic was that I was thinner then and had more energy so now that I don't beat myself up I could do that and be happy. Sounds good in theory. But it eventually led to cookies. Many. Many. Cookies. In the course of like 2 days. I feel like crap. Ugh!!! Also, I feel greasy and fat. My stomach feels huge. Please note, I'm not making judgements here, just stating facts as I see them. I didn't work out last weekend but 1 day. I'm struggling to get my 10,000 steps in. And I've been eating with abandon. I have finally come to the realization that this cannot continue.  First, my not making my 10,000 steps a day is really bringing me down. The only day this week that I