
Showing posts from October 3, 2021

Time for a change

 I started writing a post on a group I'm in and realized that it was not what I thought it would be about so I decided to come and work it out here.  My low back has been bothering me like crazy recently. It's the low back and the outside of my left leg. It's gotten to the point where I've been taking ibuprofen and I never do that. So I know that this pain is most likely related to the excess amount of fat I carry around my gut. It just hangs there and I'm sure that's not good on my back. I've been seeing the chiro every week and that's not really helping. So it's time to provide a little analysis and deep digging into fixing this.  What would help this? Well, losing some of the fat will help. How can I do that? Well, it all boils down to eating right and moving, that's the real key to everything. Eating has been fairly good but I let Hubby dictate too much what I eat. I need to have a long talk with him and get this eating thing straightened out

Gratitude Day 1

 Part of a program I belong to has us journal our gratitude for 7 days every few weeks. I seem to forget and only get a few days in, but this week - since it's break - I'm going to work hard to get all 7 in. So let's begin..... I am grateful that money is really no longer a worry. We spent so many years living paycheck to paycheck and not really making it. I like that we have a little cush now.  I am grateful for my husband. Interesting that I typed that so slowly. I was thinking what exactly am I grateful for? Well, he has hung with me for over 30 years for one thing. He's not perfect, but neither am I. He has his faults, but he is always there for me and for that I am grateful.  I am grateful for my career. I really enjoy teaching. I enjoy working with young people and I truly enjoy the place I work at.  I am grateful for where I live. I love this neighborhood. It is so peaceful and quiet. People have been here for years and years and I just love that. It is also quit