
Showing posts from July 18, 2021

Time to process

 One of the things that I do regularly is walk Maverick along the canal near my house. It's about a 2 mile walk round trip and I love it. We walk along a canal that has walkers, runners, bikers, roller skaters, and no cars. It is awesome. One of the benefits of that walk is that I can talk to Maverick and work out things that are in my head. I had not realized how much I needed that time and that processing. It is now summer in Phoenix and you don't walk very far at all if you can help it. So there have been no canal walks just some quick trips around the block before the sun comes up. As a result, there has been no talking things out and no real processing time. And I didn't realize how much I missed it and needed it. Yesterday was raining all day - it was glorious - and around 3pm it had stopped raining and was only ~75F outside. So Mavy and I walked the canal. It was awesome. I talked with Mavy the whole time and worked out some things that were inside my head. It was th