
Showing posts from June 27, 2021


 I'm supposed to be doing at least 3 minutes of gratitude every day this week and I've completely forgotten about it. I have been doing 10 minutes of unentertained time after I meditate but not the gratitude journaling. Oh well, it's Friday. I'll do today and tomorrow and Sunday and it will have to do. Here goes:  I am grateful for the intelligence to work things through and be able to logic things out. I see so many people who just don't have that ability and it is downright scary.  I am grateful that the worst of the Covid pandemic is over, at least it appears that way. I'm grateful that everyone we love made it through safely and that we are no healthy and happy.  I am grateful for summer vacations. Being a teacher is hard, really, really hard and having a few weeks to rest and regroup is not only welcome but compeltely necessary.   I am grateful for my new standing desk. It is so awesome to not have to sit all the time. I love being able to stand and work, i

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

 Yes, I'm going to whine and moan for a minute. I only have 15 minutes (I'll explain later) so I need to make it good.  I feel like a slug. I feel fat and out of shape and generally yucky!!!  The thing is that I know I can change all that I just need to figure out how to make it work.  Let's talk about self-care really quick. I've got the sleep and the meditation on point. I'm even becoming enamored of the unentertained time. So that's all good. The gym is coming along, though not as quickly as I had hoped it would. It's the steps that are my nemesis right now. I have not gotten 10,000 steps regularly since school ended. So that is what I need to work on. Let's examine it.  It is summer in Phoenix and short of getting up at 3am to walk, walking outside just isn't happening much. I do get up at 4ish to take Mavy on a short walk, but beyond that walking outside just isn't a great idea. I've been trying to pace in my room here for various things

Gratitude Day #1

 I've been tasked with writing at least 3 minutes of gratitude every day this week. So this is day 1 and I am writing it in the morning right after I meditated. Here goes:  I am grateful for the fact that I woke up this morning. I always have to remember that many, many people don't.  I am grateful that I have a job that provides some miniscule amount of insurance for eyeglasses. I need new ones and am grateful that I don't have to pay the whole thing.  I am grateful for the equanimity I have developed and that I didn't get super angry at my husband last night even though I could have.  I am grateful for the money that I have to buy the food that I eat that can make me overweight. Too many people in the world are starving.  I am grateful for that I can help Bella. I know she is struggling greatly and I'm glad I have the financial resources to help her as she nears the end of her life.  I am grateful for this house, I just love it so, so much.