
Showing posts from June 6, 2021

The trip that wasn't

 Time to document this before I forget so that I have it for posterity.  Last Wednesday, June 9th, we rented an RV and left on an epic 10 day road trip. I was so, so excited. I had planned the trip for about 6 months and we were going to stop at places I've wanted to see for ages. It was going to be completely epic and memory making. We left here and drove to Holbrook, AZ. It was a 3 1/2 hour drive and we got stuck in traffic for about 30 minutes. We left here around 3pm and arrived in Holbrook at almost 9pm. When we got the RV we just kind of threw everything in there and took off. We wanted to get going. When we got to Holbrook, it was impossible to find anything and get the dog food and make us something to eat. It was rough. We also had a really rough night. The campground was right by a freeway and people were coming and going all night. The dogs didn't sleep much, we didn't sleep much, and we were up at 4am. We took our time getting moving, coffee, shower, organizing,