
Showing posts from May 30, 2021

Rough weekend

 It was Memorial weekend and wow oh wow. Sunday a friend had a party - a yearly thing - and Hubby was there pretty late at night. I didn't go because sitting around drinking with a bunch of people I don't really know is not my cup of tea. But I did stay home and get some of my room organized, so that's cool. I also got my plan for the summer worked out. I have a to-do list for every week that will have me all ready by the time school starts. Yesterday we did go over to some friends and hung out in the pool for a couple of hours. That was great except they were making pina coladas and I might have had more than necessary. I caved on ice cream on the way home and woke feeling a bit hung-over. Mavy got a short walk this morning. But I'm not going to beat myself up, it is what it is. Today I ate well, drank a lot of water, and generally feel considerably better now. I did not get much movement in though because I worked on my lessons most of the day and then hung out in the

Schedule vs to-do list

School Schedule   To-Do List I've always had issues with scheduling versus to-do lists. To me, scheduling is when things are done at a specific time, like my classes at school. At home that would look like, walking Mavy at 6am, going to the gym at 9am, etc. Whereas to-do lists are just lists of things that need to be accomplished during the day/week/month. When they get done are not important only the fact that they do get done, sometimes before a certain date or time. I do really well with schedules during the school year but not so well during the summer. Which kind of makes sense since the summer hours are not near as structured and unless I have an appointment or something things can be done at any time. But I struggle with both. If I try to schedule things inevitably something will come up and throw my schedule off. Then perfectionism raises it's ugly head and I throw the whole plan out the window. I have been working on my perfectionist tendencies but that is a post for a

A little retail therapy always helps apathy

 After my post this morning, I set out what I was going to do today in my planner - yay!!!  And I tackled it. One of the things on my list is get this office straightened away and that is proving to be a job that may take a longer time than anticipated. I did run out to the gym and did my abs workout - yay!!! Then I went to Target to look for some thing for my office. Found them. Then, I've been toying with getting a new computer. I work on my computer a lot and have since last March. I was working on a 13" laptop with a 2nd monitor. It was okay but I was really starting to crave a regular computer. So I went to Best Buy to 'look' and ended up buying an all in one with a touch screen. I actually love it and now I have 2 huge monitors to work on. It is really nice and I have the whole desk free for papers. It is really, really awesome. But I did spend more than I wanted to. Oh well, I'll deal with it. It's such a nice work area now, I almost want to start workin

A little apathy setting in

  I found that once I stopped beating myself up I developed apathy. I was okay. Everything was okay. But doing things for self-care could easily be pushed aside because I was no longer beating myself up over things. Gradually I came out of the apathy and was really happy with my life in general. Now that school has ended and I have no structure to my days, I find apathy creeping in again and I need to stop it.  Yes, I'm not under pressure to do things within a certain time frame because I'm not working but that doesn't give me license to not get things done. I have things I want to do during this summer and I've been working on them slowly. I think I need to kick it up a notch. Not sure exactly how I will do that. I'm thinking of setting specific times for things. I have a specific time for meditation, why not for other things. Also, maybe a checklist that I work off of each day to get things done in a timely manner. What I don't want is for it to be July and my