
Showing posts from May 9, 2021

Gratitude Day 6

 I am liking this journaling thing. Well, I always liked it, that's why I kept a blog for however many years. Need to check that. Edit: I just checked and I've been blogging since 2004. That's 17 years. Wow!!!! Need to go back and read some of them this summer.  Today I'm grateful for being able to go to the gym. I love to have a place to go to workout and get stronger. Love that.  I'm grateful for the fact that they are lifting the mask wearing guidelines which I hope means we are on the downside of this pandemic. While I understand and agree with wearing a mask, I'm kind of over it.  I'm grateful for being able to go to lunch on a Friday afternoon. Not only being able to afford going to lunch, but living in a place that provides so many options for lunch.  What else..... seems like I'm not getting very deep on these. Maybe it's the fact that I only have 3 minutes. It's hard to go deep in such a short amount of time. Maybe today I will keep goin

Gratitude Day 5

 Today is Thursday, the last day of my work week. That makes me extremely grateful for 4 day work weeks. I don't know how or why that idea came up exactly, but I am all in and so, so thankful for it.  I'm also grateful that I became a teacher. I believe that I was heading there my entire life, but I am grateful that I finally took the plunge and did it. I love working with the kids and seeing them grow and change.  I've probably said this before, but I'm incredibly grateful that this sh*tshow of year is finally almost over.  I'm grateful for the people I work with. The are quirky and funny and I just really enjoy my job and going there every day. If you have to work, you really should enjoy it.  I'm grateful for my health. In spite of the fact that I am getting older and I'm out of shape and every thing hurts, I really am rather healthy and I am extremely grateful for that. 

Gratitude Day 4

 Today I am super grateful for technology. I had nothing really exciting to do with the students for review until I read about a website last night. I spent the morning setting it up and it was a huge, huge hit. I used it in 2 classes and both of them were crazy for it. They asked to play the game over and over again because they had so much fun. So technology leads the list today.  I am incredibly grateful that I didn't get sick the other day like I thought I was. I really kind of felt like crap and didn't want to get sick so close to the end of the year. Thankfully I didn't yay!!! I am grateful for my pool. My favorite thing to do is come home from work, jump in the pool, and float around for half an hour or so. That is hands down the best way to relax and unwind from the stress of the day. I love it and I miss it during the winter 

Gratitude Day 3

 Another brutal day at school but now it's time for some gratitude.  I am grateful that this crazy, ridiculous year is finally nearing an end. I can't believe everything we have been through in the last 15 months and I just want it to be over. So grateful that it soon will be.  I am grateful for the vacation that we will be taking soon. We need to get away and just relax. I can't wait.  I'm grateful for the summer. I love the summer and the warm weather and the birds and plants and all that stuff.  I am grateful that I was able to contribute to graduation this year. I'm also grateful to be taking on more leadership roles at school.  Which leads to how grateful I am for the school I work at. I really feel at home there. I feel like I have finally found a place to spend some time. I feel like I am settling in and I really love it.  I'm grateful for DMSC and the ability to think and react logically. I was never a fan of being emotional and this has really helped me

Gratitude Day 2

 Okay, what am I grateful for today. It's rather hard to be grateful when you feel like you are coming down with something and you are scared to death that you have Covid again. But I am grateful so let's get on with it.  I'm grateful for where we live. When we first visited Arizona I fell in love with Tempe and I'm so stinking happy that we live here now.  I'm grateful for my overall health. I am one of the healthiest people I know, especially for my age, so I'm extremely grateful for that.  I'm grateful for my dogs, especially Bella. I love that big goof so much. It makes me sad to look at her now because she's 10 1/2 and it is really starting to show. But I'm grateful for every second I've had with her and I love her like crazy.  I'm grateful for Lola too. I'm so glad that we were able to give her an amazing life. I remember when she came to us, she was so sad and skinny. She's also getting old at 12 1/2 but I still love her and I&

Gratitude Day 1

 My assignment this week is to write my gratitude every night for at least 3 minutes. So here I go:  I'm grateful for a job that is only 4 days a week. Having a 3 day weekend every week is awesome. It gives us time to run errands on Friday and still have Saturday and Sunday for fun.  I super grateful that my husband wasn't hurt more seriously when he took that fall on Friday. He banged his head on the ground and ended up with a small cut. I was so worried about his head, but turns out his elbow was much more of a problem. He got a huge egg on his elbow and it has been bothering him for 3 days now.  I'm grateful for the ability to seek the proper care for my dog. I don't know exactly what is going on with Bella, but I'm glad that I have the smarts to figure out she needs someone else and the money to do it (shoutout to YNAB).  I'm grateful there is only 2 more weeks of school left.  After the last 15 months, having the summer off this year will be amazing. Also,