
Showing posts from March 21, 2021

Good intentions......

 are what I had when I started up this blog again a couple of months ago. But that didn't work out. But you know what I've learned in my years, if you want something try again. So here we go.  Good new: The husband is back at work full time and while not complete 100% he is definitely around 99.9% and getting better every day. So that is awesome news. This whole thing with him though has really made me think. If the worst happened to either one of us I don't know that the other would know what to do. So I think it's time to start getting end of life things in order. Not that I plan on using them anytime soon, but......MOMENTO never know when you will leave this life. So that is on my agenda for the summer. Also, we have decided to take a road trip this summer. I'm very excited about that. We are renting an RV and heading out on the road for 10 days or so. We are going to Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and northern Arizona. I am excited and it will be fun