
Showing posts from January 17, 2021


  consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of.  We all have them whether we know it or not. We all live by the things we value whether we realize it or not. But I have never articluated exactly what it is I do value and where exactly those values came from. Reading this book:  and one of the first things he brings up is values. I've decided to do this post and see if I can articulate my values, why I hold them, and where they came from. Here goes...... Honesty - this is something that I believe I value highly. Having been lied to many times in my life, I would rather have brutal honesty than to be told a lie. I think this one came from experience. Not that my parents lied to me, but all kids are lied to for various reasons. I think this value is something I developed on my own and came from the people I had met in my early adulthood.  Knowledge - this is something that is important to me, and has become more important recently. Being able t

Wasted time

  I was home all week because Hubby had Covid and pneumonia. It was completely unplanned and I was not pleased with it. I don't think we should be in school anyway, but an unexpected week at home while my students were in school was not on my agenda. It was a good week to miss as there was only review and a test, so the sub had it fairly easy, but still. I was out of sorts because this wasn't my idea and I didn't want to stay home.  Happiness = Reality - Expectations On top of that, I was constantly getting emails from students about where do I find work, I'm not ready to take the test, blah, blah, blah...... I ended up letting it get to me and got angry and frustrated.  Happiness = Reality - Expectations In my anger and frustration, I ended up wasting a whole lot of time this week. Time that I can't recover and that is just lost forever. I most definitely did not win most of the days this week.  Happiness = Reality - Expectations I could have used this week to do a


mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. This is something I strive for in my life in general. I try not to let situations throw me. I try to remain calm and deal with situations as they come. But I'm still learning to do this. Last Thursday the husband got sick. Really sick. Friday he felt a little better but still not great. Saturday he was still sick and the times being what they are, we decided to get him a Covid test. Well, turns out he has pneumonia. We still don't have the results from the Covid test, but I'm pretty sure it's positive. As a result of his illness, I am not allowed to go to work. That means that I have to have a sub, possibly for the whole week, and I have to have things that the sub can do. I don't want to miss school this week. I'm not sick and would much rather be at school working. But in the current world, that is just not possible. I thought I was handling it with equanimity, but in real