Today is the day

 Bella's surgery. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit nervous, but overall I do feel pretty calm. I feel like we are making the right decision, even though I know that Charlie is still against it. But I feel pretty good about it. It's going to go well. I'm glad I'm not at work though, there is no way I would be able to focus if I was at work. I'll be working at home here, but that will help distract me from what is happening. 

In other news, I'm going to the gym today. My leg has been bothering me now for almost 3 weeks now and I'm over it. Completely and totally over it. I've tried resting and taking it easy, that didn't work. So it's time to try movement. I'm not going to go crazy, but I'm going to get moving more. I'm also going to find my pink knee sleeve and start wearing that. So it's to the gym today. Going to start with upper body and get a good workout in. I figure after I drop Bella off at the vet, I'll head straight to the gym to get my workout on. Then it's home to start working on my finals. I'm excited to get back to working out. 

I'm also fasting today because I've been eating more crap than is good for a person. I bought Belgian cookies for the lunch bunch and have been munching on them. Monday a teacher made cupcakes - had one. Yesterday another teacher made cinnamon rolls - had one. So yeah, feeling a little squishy and yucky. Hubby is golfing today so I'll be home alone all day. A good day to fast. Plus, I'll be able to pee whenever I want so I can drink tons and tons of water to flush the system out. I'm in. 

In spite of my knee, I'm going to work on my steps today too. I'm going to work on getting to 7500 today even if I do it 10 steps at a time. Going to work on standing more than I sit and moving, moving, moving as much as possible. 

Okay, it is going to be a great day. Bella is going to do amazing. I'm going to get lots done. And the sun is going to shine. Let's go. 


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