The ongoing saga of my knee

 While the pain in my knee has definitely lessened, I can now walk without screaming, it is still a pain in my butt. Of course, I started on the journey to fix it 3 days ago, so I guess I need to be a little more patient. I can walk without limping if I go slow and pay attention to what I'm doing. I haven't had to think about walking in years, it's weird. I did buy an elastic brace that completely sucks and falls down all the time, but I think it might be helping some. So the knee issue continues. I did walk Mavy yesterday for the first time all week. We walked around the block and it was slow but he really enjoyed it. I'm walking him again today. I honestly thing that movement helps more than rest. 

There's really not much else. Yesterday was quiet, I never left the house, and I got a lot of school work done. Today I'm not doing any 'work'. I need to get some housework done and then some friends will be over to watch football. So I am taking the day off. Something I rarely do. 


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