Still sore

 11 days and I'm still in a bit of pain with my knee. It is definitely getting better but it is a slow, slow process. I spend most of my day not in pain now so that's good. And I walked Mavy last night with minimal pain, so that's really good. But getting up in the morning is tough which leads me to believe that it's not muscle but tendon and fascia. Bummer, those take forever to heal up. But at least I am making progress. 

I am itching to get moving again though. My sleep is being affected. My overall feeling of wellbeing is being affected. I need to get moving again. I hate this feeling. So no gym, no real walking in 11 days. Not good at all. 

I guess that's really it. Not a whole lot to say. Most things on my mind these days are school related but I don't feel like blogging over there. 

So I guess I'll call it a day and get going early. 


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