Rough weekend

 It was Memorial weekend and wow oh wow. Sunday a friend had a party - a yearly thing - and Hubby was there pretty late at night. I didn't go because sitting around drinking with a bunch of people I don't really know is not my cup of tea. But I did stay home and get some of my room organized, so that's cool. I also got my plan for the summer worked out. I have a to-do list for every week that will have me all ready by the time school starts. Yesterday we did go over to some friends and hung out in the pool for a couple of hours. That was great except they were making pina coladas and I might have had more than necessary. I caved on ice cream on the way home and woke feeling a bit hung-over. Mavy got a short walk this morning. But I'm not going to beat myself up, it is what it is. Today I ate well, drank a lot of water, and generally feel considerably better now. I did not get much movement in though because I worked on my lessons most of the day and then hung out in the pool. Oh well. 


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